Removing the age limit in availing child care leave
Orders have been issued to remove the age limit for availing of "child care leave."
The General Administration Department has issued an order regarding Public Services - Child Care Leave. This order removes the age limit for all female government employees to avail themselves of the "Child Care Leave" facility. Previously, as per the G.O. 1 referenced above, female employees were allowed to take child care leave for two months, or sixty (60) days, during their entire service. This leave could be used to care for a minor child during rearing, school or college examinations, sickness, etc., under certain conditions. The leave could be granted in no fewer than three spells and was applicable for caring for up to two children under the age of 18 years and for disabled children up to 22 years. Child Care Leave was only granted if the child was dependent on the government servant.
3. In the GO. 3" read above, maximum spells to avail the eligible Child Care Leave of 180 days or part of 60 days is modified to that of 10 spells in entire service.
4. In the representations 4th to 6th read above, the President, AP Secretariat Association, the President, A. P. Secretariat Women Employees Welfare Association and the Chairman, AP JAC Amaravati have "requested to remove age limit to look after two children for all women employees upto retirement
Government after careful examination of the matter, hereby remove the upper age limit and permit all women Government employees to avail prescribed child care leave facility in their service and before retirement to take care of the minor child for rearing or for looking after any other needs of the child during school or college examinations, sickness etc., subject to conditions specified in the G.Os 1 to 3" read above.
6. Finance Department shall issue necessary further orders in the matter accordingly.
7. All departments of the A.P. Secretariat, heads of departments, Collectors, District Magistrates, and other competent authorities should take the necessary actions in this matter accordingly."
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