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Teacher Trainings at summer - sanctioning them non financial ELs

Teacher training sessions during the summer - endorsing non-financial support for teachers

Conducting  Teacher  Professional  Development (TPD) courses and trainings to teachers during summer vacation duly sanctioning them non financial ELs or Compensatory Casual Leaves – Permission Accorded

 In the circumstances reported by the Commissioner of School Education and the State Project Director, Samagra Shiksha in the reference cited, Government after careful examination of the matter, hereby accord permission to conduct Teacher Professional Development (TPD) courses and trainings to teachers during summer vacation duly sanctioning them non financial ELs or Compensatory Casual Leaves. The proposed training shall be made optional for the teachers.

 2.     The  Commissioner  of  School  Education,  AP  and  the  State Project Director, SS shall take further necessary action accordingly in the matter



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