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School Complex Trainings - Month wise schedule


AP.SS,-SIEMAT-  Amaravati  – Conduct  of  Primary   &   Subject   School   Complex  meetings  cum Trainings- Issue of Guidelines -Orders- issued

 All the  District Educational Ofcers and  Additional Project Coordinators of SS in the  State are  informed that, the  Cluster Resource centers  are  the most critical units for training onsite support to  schools and teachers  at gross root level. The NEP 2020 also indicates that A school complex will be a cluster of public schools in a contiguous geography ofering education across all  stages  -Foundational to  Secondary  schools.  The Continuous professional  development   (CPD)    of  teachers   will  be  an  important responsibility    of   the     school   complex.   A    comprehensive   teacher development plan  (TDP)   will  be  drawn  up  for the   purpose,  including multiple modes of development.  The aim of these school complex/cluster will promote greater resource efciency and more efective functioning, coordination, leadership, governance and management  of schools in the cluster

 The  activities of the  School Complexes are  as follows:

        Introduction of better methods of evaluation and for regulating the promotion of children from one class to another.

•        In-service Training on pedagogy, TLM preparation and new programmes implementing by the  department to all teachers.

•    Organization of periodical meetings of teachers in the  School

 Complex for Continuous teacher training programmes o sharing the  best practices and resources among the   cluster schools.

•        Inspection of Cluster School Head Master to lower schools for providing on job support

 Further all the  District Educational  Ofcers and  Additional Project Coordinators of SS  in the  State are instructed to  make functional all the School complexes app roved in the  PAB  2023-24.   In this regard the  APCs of S.S in the  State are informed to issue suitable instructions for conduct of conduct   8  Primary   School   Complex  trainings  and  8  Subject  School Complex trainings for improving the  professional quality levels of Teachers in  the    State.   The  Primary   Level   School   Complex  meetings   will  be conducted in two   phases covering  50%  of teachers  from each  school without hindrance to regular school activities and to ensure each complex

30 to  40 teachers should attend the   training with 100%.  To  make this happens MEO of that mandal may combine two  complexes meetings at one place.First day at frst school and second day at another school.  The Detail  Schedule  and  guidelines   for Primary  and  Subject  level  School Complex meetings are placed in minutes approved by the   State Project Director of SS.

All the  District Educational Ofcers and Additional Project Ofcers of SS in the  State are  informed to communicate all the  guidelines to School Complex Head Masters in their respective districts for smooth conduct of School Complexes as per the  Schedule

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