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Creation of New DDO codes to the newly upgraded High Schools

Creation of New DDO codes to  the   newly upgraded  High Schools

Request for creation of New DDO codes to  the   newly upgraded  High Schools in the   State and to  map the High schools  to   nearby   Mandal  Educational  Officers   where  the Headmaster  post was  withdrawn due  to  less  enrollment –Certain instructions issued.

The attention of all the  District Educational  Officers  in the  State are invited  to   the    references  read   above  and  they  ar informed  that Government have issued instructions for mapping  of Primary and Upper primary schools with High schools and for re-apportionment of teaching staff under various managements viz., Government, Zilla Parishad/ MandaPraja Parishad Schools.

Accordingly, as  per the   G.O  Ms.No. 117, dated: 10.06.2022 &  G.O Ms.No.  128, dated: 13.07.2022 all the  District Educational  Officers  in the State has completed re-apportionment and allotted new Headmaster post to  certain schools where the  enrollment has been increased and for few schools  withdrawn  Headmaster  post  where  the   enrollment has  been decreased.

Furtherthe   Government have  issued  orders for regularization  of transfers for ensuring  the   subject teachers in the   Pre-High School, High Schools  &   High  SchooPlus.  Accordingly,  all  the   District  Educational Officers  in  the    State  have  completed the    Teacher  transfers  as  per instructions issued by this office  duly shifting the  identified  surplus posts to needy schools.

In  view  of  the    above,  all  the    District Educationa Officers  are requested to approach the  concerned DTO for creation of new DDO codes to  the  newly upgraded High schools and further to  map the  High school posts to  concerned Mandal Educational  Offers  where the   Headmaster post was withdrawn due to less enrollment as per the  earlier process



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