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Permitted the CEO, SERP to spare the servicesto look after the Naadu -- Nedu activities

 Permitted the CEO,  SERP  to  spare the  servicesto  look  after the Naadu  --  Nedu  activities 

 Permitted the CEO,  SERP  to  spare the  services of 662 APMs  to  look  after the Naadu  --  Nedu  activities  in  addition to their regular duties - Orders

 In  the reference  1s cited,  in  pursuance of the proposal  of the CEO, SERP,  Government have issued  orders to place. the services of (300)  APMs working under  control  of  the  SERP   (Society  for   Elimination   of  Rural Poverty)  at  the  disposal of  the  Special  Chief Secretary  to  Government, School Education  Department  to  function as   Supervisors for  Nadu-Nedu Programme on deputation basis.

 2.       In  the reference 2nd  cited,  the School Education Dept.,  has requested this Department  to provide the  services  of 679  Mandal  level  functionaries like  Assistant  Project Manager  / Equivalent cadre of our  Department with sound  experience  in   community  mobilization,   capacity  building,   social audit,  etc.,  for the  effective  monitoring of  Government  flagship programs like    Jagananna    Vidya    Kanuka,    Jagananna   Ammavodi,    Nadu-Nedu, Jagananna Gorumudda (Mid Day Meals), TMF,  SMF  etc.  to undertake the responsibilities entrusted by  School Education  in  addition to  their regular duties, this enables the Mandal Educational Officers to focus more on  the academic activities, which in  turn will help  fulfill the main objective of the School Education  Department i.e.  to  improve the academic  standards and learning  outcomes  of the   students  and to allotted personnel salaries may be   drawn  in  their  own   post  and  the  services now   provided  will  be   in addition to their original duties.

3.       In  the  reference  3m  cited,  the  Chief Executive  Officer,  Society  for Elimination of Rural  Poverty,  A.P.,  Vijayawada  while furnishing  the report has requested  the Government to accord permission to spare the services of 662  APMs  to  look  after the Naadu - Nedu activities in  addition to  their regular duties with certain instructions

 .        In  the circumstances  report by  the  School Education  Dept.,  and the Chief  Executive   Officer,   Society  for  Elimination   of  Rural  Poverty,   A.P., Vijayawada  vide  references  2n  and 3rd  cited respectively and  after  careful examination of the proposal contained therein,  Government hereby accord permission to the CEO,  SERP  to spare the services of 662 Assistant Project Managers   (APMs)   of  SERP   to  look  after  the  Naadu  - Nedu  activities  in addition   to  their   regular   duties   with  the   following instructions,   duly cancelling the  earlier orders  issued  in  Memo.No.1822517 /RD.I/ Al/2022, PR&RD(RD.I)Dept.,  Dt:29 /08/2022:•

 i)         All the 662 Assistant Project Managers  (MS  Coordination)  of SERP     be     entrusted    the    works    of     School    Education Department  for monitoring of Jagananna Vidya Kanuka, Jagananna   Ammavodi,     Naadu-Nedu,     Jagananna Gorumudda  (Mid  Day  Meals),  TMF,  SMF  etc  in  addition  to their regular SERP  duties under their Mandal jurisdiction.

 ii)        To  direct  all  the  APMs   (MS   Coordination)   to  look   after  the

Naadu - Nedu  activities along with the SERP  activities.

 iii)       The pay and  allowances may be  drawn from   their own  post (APM  post)  only.

  iv)       To  direct  all   the  APMs   (MS  Coordination)  to   report  to   the District  Educational   Officer   (DEO)   along  with  the   Project Director,  DRDA  in the District.

 v)        Al the PD,  DRDAs  / PO,  ITDAs  are directed to  ensure all  the APM  (MS  Coordination)  positions  are filled  on priority basis. The  priority  shall  be given  to   the  APM   (MS  Coordination) posts at  Mandal level.  The in-charge arrangement  made with senior CCs  where there are no  APMs  available in  the District



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