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ఆంధ్రప్రదేశ్ మహిళా పోలీస్ కోసం ప్రత్యేక నిబంధనలు


police officer - police department - police jobs - ఆంధ్రప్రదేశ్ మహిళా పోలీస్ కోసం ప్రత్యేక నిబంధనలు

In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to Article  309 of the Constitution  of  India,  the  Governor  of Andhra  Pradesh  hereby  makes  the following Special Rules for Andhra Pradesh Mahila Police (Subordinate Service) Rules, 2021

 These Rules may be called the Andhra Pradesh Mahila Police (Subordinate Service)  Rules,  2021.  This  Service shall  be organised  as a  separate  cadre within the  Police  Department

 In the event of non-availability of eligible  and suitable Women  Home Guards and Women Grama/Ward Volunteers in a particular year, the vacancies reserved  for them  shall  not  be carried  forward to the subsequent year  and shall be filled up with eligible Women candidates by Direct Recruitment.

 NOTE  (2):  The  definition,  eligibility  criteria  and  percentage  of  the  special category like Women Home Guards and Women Grama/Ward Volunteers,  shall be applicable as notified  by the Government.

 NOTE   (3):   Promotion  to  the  category  of. Inspector(Mahila   Police)   (Non• Gazetted),  shall  be given  to the  qualified  and eligible  SI  (Mahila  Police)and promotions to the  category  of SI  (Mahila Police)shall  be given to  the  qualified and eligible  ASI  (Mahila  Police)and  promotions to the  category ASI  (Mahila Police)  shall  be given  to  the  qualified  and  eligible  Senior Mahila  Police  and promotions  to  the  category  of  Senior  Mahila  Police  shall  be  given  to  the qualified   and  eligible   Mahila  Police  in  that  particular  selection  year.  The eligibility for  promotion  is  based on  minimum  service  and  merit through  an examination  conducted  by the  State  Level  Police  Recruitment  Board together with  the  Performance  Assessment  Reports  for preceding  five  years  of the selection year. The weightage for the tests conducted by the State Level Police Recruitment  Board   is   90%   and  weightage  for    Performance   Assessment Reports  is  10%.  Performance Assessment shall  be calculated  based on year wise ACR grading  with  a grading  of 6 marks for outstanding,  4 marks for Very good,  3 marks for Good and  1   mark for Satisfactory.  Thus  every  candidate shall be given marks on a score of 30 marks and accordingly be calculated  for


 Provided   that  not  withstanding   anything   contained   in   the   notes   in thisrule, the seniority of person appointed by direct recruitment and by other methods  shall be fixed  with  reference  to  the  provisions  of General  Rule 33 of the AP State and Sub-ordinate Service Rules, 1996.

 NOTE  (4):  The  candidates  appointed  as "Grama Mahila  Samrakshana/Ward Mahila      Samrakshana      Karyadarsi      Grade-III" .                     or      "Grama      Mahila Samrakshana/Ward  Mahila Samrakshana  Karyadarsi"  prior  to these rules are now re-designated  as "Mahila  Police".

 NOTE (5):  The powers of appointing  authority  in cases of appointments  made prior to  these  rules  shall henceforth  be vested  with  concerned  Commissioner of Police/Superintendent of Police for all purposes.

 5.  Reservation in Appointment:

 a.  The Rule of Special  Representation (General  Rule 22 of A.P.  State and Subordinate Service  Rules,  1996) shall apply to appointments by direct recruitment  / promotion  to  the  various  posts  in· the  service,  provided that no differently abled persons are eligible for appointment.

 b.  In  the  matter of appointment  by direct recruitment  or by promotion  to the  above  categories,  only  women  will  be selected  as  per  rules  and conditions notified  by the Govt.  from time to time.

 6. Qualifications:

 No person shall be eligible for appointment to the post of Mahila Police, unless she possesses any degree from any University in  India established or incorporated  by  or  under  a  Central  Act,  State Act or a Provincial  Act or an Institution recognized  by the University Grants Commission or by a  recognized State Board of Technical  Education  and training.

 7. Age:

 (a)  No person shall be eligible for appointment  by direct recruitment to the  post of Mahila Police,  if she has not completed  eighteen years of age and if she has completed  twenty  eight  years  of  age on the  first  day  of July of the year in which the notification for selection  is issued.

 Provided  that  age  relaxations  for   direct  recruitment  in  respect  of Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes,  Backward Classes,  Economically Weaker Sections,  Home  Guards  and  Grama/Ward  Volunteers,  shall  be applicable  as prescribed by the Government from time to time.

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