Explore interactive material created by teachers and the best Indian content
creators for teachers and students in India. By India, for India!
Scan QR codes from textbooks and find additional learning material associated
with the topic
Store and share content offline, even without Internet connectivity
Find lessons and worksheets relevant to what is taught in the school classroom
Experience the app in English, Hindi, Tamil, Telugu, Marathi, Kannada,
Assamese, Bengali, Gujarati, Urdu with additional Indian languages coming soon!
Supports multiple content formats like Video, PDF, HTML, ePub, H5P, Quizzes -
and more formats coming soon!
Advantages for teachers
Find interactive and engaging teaching material to make your class interesting
See and share best practices with other teachers to explain difficult concepts
to students
Join courses to further your professional development and earn badges and
certificates on completion
View your teaching history across your career as a school teacher
Receive official announcements from the state department
Conduct digital assessments to check your students’ understanding of a topic
that you have taught
Advantages for students and parents
Scan QR codes in your textbook for easy access to the associated lessons on the
Revise lessons that you learnt in class
Find additional material around topics that are difficult to understand
Practice solving problems and get immediate feedback on whether the answer is
correct or not.
Want to create content for DIKSHA?
Help teachers deliver concepts in an easy and engaging manner
Help students learn better in and outside class.
Get involved in providing students with high quality learning material,
irrespective of where they study
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