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School improvement plan in the state

 School   improvement   plan  in   the state Monitoring   Mechanisms  from  State  level   to  school   level Instructions 

Samagra   Shiksha,   AP  -SALT  -School   improvement   plan  in   the state -  Monitoring   Mechanisms  from  State  level   to  school   level Instructions 

 All  the  District  Educational  Officers  and   Additional  Project Coordinators   Samagra   Shiksha   in   the    State   are   informed   that,   the Department    of    School    Education    rolled   out    School     Performance evaluation  (Social  Audit)  in  43,884   Government  schools across  the   State

under  the  SALT  project  funded  by  world   bank  which  covers  six   major

domains   with   42   sub   domains   through   the   app   .With    this    baseline

insights  from the  School   Performance   evaluation   tool   the   stake  holders can identify the gaps and formulate strategies to develop the  school improvement  action plan.

 The    objective   of  the   social  audit  is    'Zero   Tolerance    Policy'    to prevent  negligence  regarding   the  safety  and   security   of   children    in schools.    It   emphasizes  comprehensive   safety,   covering   infrastructure, psycho-social well-being,  health,  and physical  safety.  The   document also aims   to  raise awareness  among various  stakeholders,  including  children, parents,  and  the community,  about safety,  security,  and preparedness  for natural  disasters.  It  underscores  the significance of monitoring  efforts to enhance the quality of  teacher-student  interactions,  ultimately  improving teaching practices.

 Findings of the  Social Audit baseline:  The State's  overall  score  stands at  3.24    out  of  4.   Baseline  provides  a   comprehensive   overview  of   the scores  across different districts  within  the   state,  highlighting  significant variations.

Action  plan:  The  following are the activities  to  address  the  gaps.

 School   Improvement   Plan:   A   School    Improvement    Plan   will    be developed,  drawing  upon  the   baseline  highlights  and  the   present status of the school.  A sample  school improvement plan  will  be  disseminated  to support school  heads  to prepare their own  school  improvement  plan.  This will  guide and structure  the school's  progress.

 In  this   regard,  the  School  Education  Department  is  committed  to transform  the state  's  education system  with  vision  2029  by  designing  a road  map  for  school  improvement  action   plan   and     future  activities  by involving   Mandal    Educational    Officers-2    ,Head    Masters    and   

1        To  communicate  the  school  HMs  to  fill  the  school wise   action plan for  improvement  of  school  development plan based  on  the  current situation  the  school.

2   To  nominate  AMOs  and  CMOs  as  nodal  officers  for monitoring  the

Execution  of the  school  improvement plan

3.     To   upload  the   school   improvement   plan   in   the   following  Google


 4.   Upload   the   improvements   every  alternative  months  in  the   google

form   which will  be  mailed by state office

5.  AMOs  and  CMOs  and  MEOs  shall  attend the  orientation meeting  for

the  submission of the  school  improvement plan

6.  AII  HMs  should complete the  school  improvement  plan on  or before


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