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Permission to tenure of existing Parent Committees

 Permission  to tenure of existing Parent Committees

School  Education  -  Samagra  Shiksha  -  Permission  to tenure of existing Parent Committees (School Management Committees)   constituted   on   22.09.2021   up   to   reopening   of Schools  for  the Academic Year 2024-25  and to conduct  elections for reconstitution  of  Parent  Committees  after  reopening   of the Schools  in the Academic Year 2024-25  -Accorded

 ln  the   circumstances   reported  by  the   State   Project  Director, Samagra   Shiksha   in  the   letter  2n  cited,  Government  after  careful examination   of   the   matter,    hereby   accord   permission   on   the following:

 tend the tenure_of existing_Parent Committees (school Management Committees) constituted on 22.09.2021 up to reopening   of   Schools    for   the   Academic   Year  2024-25,    in relaxation  of sub  rule  2 (a)(2)  of Rule  19 of  the Andhra  Pradesh Right   of   Children   to   Free   and   Compulsory   Education   Rules, 2010.


 (ii) conduct elections for  reconstitution   of  Parent  Committees after  reopening  of the  Schools   in  the  Academic   Year  2024-25 with   the   parents   of  newly   admitted   students   in  the  month   of June/July  2024.

 2.      The  State  Project  Director,  Samagra  Shiksha  shall  take further necessary  action  accordingly in the matter



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