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School infrastructure Maintenance Funds - allocation and operational Guidelines --Revised guidelines

 School infrastructure Maintenance Funds - allocation  and operational Guidelines--Revised guidelines 

School   infrastructure  Maintenance Funds - allocation  and   operational    Guidelines --   Revised guidelines   issued - Government  Memo  Communicated Government   have   taken    up   School   infrastructure   improvement through  Mana Badi  Nadu Nedu program in a phased manner.   

 In  Phase-l  of the   program,    15,713     schools    were     taken    up    for   improving    the infrastructure.  All  the  assets  and  equipment  created  under  Nadu  Nedu, should be maintained  well  by  promptly  attending  to  periodic maintenance  and essential  repairs  to be undertaken to maintain  the quality and extend the life  of the assets  created. Therefore,  Government have decided  to give top  most   priority  to  the   School   Infrastructure,   School  Maintenance  and Toilet    maintenance.    

Accordingly,    Government     have   issued   School Infrastructure   Maintenance   Funds-allocation   and  operational   guidelines vide reference  15' cited.

 2.      In  the reference  2"  cited,  the  Commissioner,   School  Infrastructure

has informed  that  guidelines   issued  in the  reference   15  cited  are only for

Phase-I  schools  and  requested   to  revise   the  draft   guidelines,   so  as to

incorporate  Phase-I,  Phase-III  schools  and Junior colleges  also.

 3.        In   the   circumstances   reported   by    the    Commissioner,   School Infrastructure and in supersession of the  Government Memo  issued in the reference  15 cited,  Government  hereby   revise  the  School  Infrastructure Maintenance Funds  - allocation  and operational  guidelines, as follows:

 (I) The  funds will  be  utilised  by  the School  Head  Masters  / Principals  of Junior Colleges  and  Residential  schools  and other Educational  Institutions, for the following purpose:

(n)Implementation Process_:

 a)     The Parents  committee  shall  nominate   2 members from the Parents   Committee   (PC)   for   cheque  signing.   These 2    (Two members   shall be from the elected  members  of PC  and  shall be nominated  by  the  parents  committee   by  passing  resolution.. These Two members  and the Head Master  shall be authorized as Joint  account signatories for  cheques.  In  case  of ongoing  Nadu Nedu  Schools,  The existing   parent  Committees  will monitor the Maintenance  Fund as per the  procedure under Nadu-Nedu.

 b) These three members shall form the school development committee   and shall  be accountable  to  the  Parents  committee

and inform all the transactions in their monthly  meetings.

 (III) Identification of repairs on dally basis;

 a)    The  Head  Master  and  Parent  Committee  Members  will  go around  the School  on a daily  basis and  identify  the needs and maintenance items which need to be taken  up immediately.

 b)     Estimates will  be prepared  for each need and   the  Parents Committee shall pass a resolution  on the repairs   to be taken up. The  resolution  shall  be  signed  by   Head  Master  ,    Engineering Assistant /Ward  Amenities Secretary  and majority   members of the Parent Committee and the same should  be uploaded in STMS App by the Head Master.This resolution shall be treated  as Administrative  Sanction.

 c)      Once the committee  identifies the  list  of repairs  and  the approximate  estimated  amount,  the  same  shall  be  entered  in STMS  by  the HM in the mobile  App  along  with  component wise photos  of repairable items


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