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Balotsav- 2023


School Education - Cultural festival will be organized VVIT Balotsav- 2023 - Request for wide publicity and encourage the schools for their active participation – Certain instructions

 While enclosing herewith a copy of the reference cited along with its enclosures, all the District Educational Officers in the state are instructed to give wide publicity and to advise all schools to ensure participation in VVIT BALOTSAV-2023  held  from  11th   December  to  13th  December  2023  as requested in the above reference

Balotsav Event Dates: 11-13th Dec 2023

Eligibility: Nursery to 10th Students
Events Categories: 20 Cultural Events
Venue: Guntur
Last Date: 2nd December 2023
Detailed Events Lists, Activities, Dates, Online, Offline



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