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School  Education  - SCERT - Summative  Assessment  2-  Half     d schools  - Change  of timings - Orders

 The  kind  attention  of all  the  Regional  Joint  Directors  of School  Education and  District Educational  Officers  in  the state  is invited to the reference 20 cited above wherein certain instructions  have  been given  for the functioning  of schools from  3' April  2023  onwards.  Further,  it is  aware  that,  in the reference  15  cited above, orders have been issued to conduct the 3rd Classroom-Based Assessment/Summative  Assessment  2  for the academic  year  2022-23, commencing from  April 20, 2023,  across the state prescribing the timings for both forenoon and  afternoon.

 In  view   of  the above,   it  has  been  decided   to  conduct  the  Summative Assessment  2 for all  classes,  i.e.,  from  classes  I to IX, during  the  forenoon  only i.e,    from    9.00    am   to   12.00    noon   and   the   revised    schedule    is   herewith communicated  (Annexure) for taking necessary  action  in this regard.

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