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Half Day Schools from 03.04.2023

 Half Day Schools W.E.F  03.04.2023 

School Academic  Calendar  2022-23 –  Half Day Schools W.E.F  03.04.2023 in all Management Schools in the   State During the  Academic Year 2022-23 – Orders – Issued

 In pursuant  to  the   instructions issued  in the   reference 1st read above, and keeping in view of the  weather report released by the  Disaster management Department, it is  hereby  decided to  declare  Half-a-day schools for classes  I  to  IX from 7.45 am  to  12.30 pm  from  03-4-2023  up to  last working day i.e., 30-4-2023 in all Management  Schools including Government, Zilla Parishad, Municipal, Aided, Private Recognized unaided schools in the  State.

Further, in the   schools where there are  SSC  examination centers ( 3349 centers in the  entire state), there shall not  be any classes on the days  of examination  (Six  days  in  total). These  schools shall  conduct compensatory classes for six days on the  available public holidays during the  period from 03.04.23 to 30.04.23. The compensatory classes  also will follow half day schedule as prescribed in para.1 above.

 Therefore, all the  Regional  Joint Directors of School Education and District Educational Officers in the  State are requested to issue necessary instructions to all Field Officers / Headmasters of all Management Schools including  Pvt. un-aided Schools to  run Half-a-day  Schools w.e.f. 03-04-2023 without fail, as elaborated above.

 Further, they are requested to issue the  following instructions to all Field Ofcers and Headmasters of all Management Schools, while running half-a-day schools in the  State.

•        Strictly implement the  half-a-day school timings as per School academic calendar.

•        2nd Saturday in the  month of April should be counted as working day.

•        Adequate  drinking  water should be provided in all schools with the support  of  Gram Panchayat   &   RWS  Department  wherever  and whenever required.

•        Classes  shall not  be conducted in the  open areas  / under the  trees etc., under any circumstances.

•        Keep handy some Oral Re-hydration Solution (ORS) sachets in every school for use of Students, in coordination with the  Medical & Health Department for use  in case  if any  child  is  affected  by Sun/Heat Stroke

        Provide buttermilk during Mid Day Meals in coordination with local community / Voluntary organizations.

•   Mid-day-meals should be prepared and supplied to  the  students at

the  end of school hours and then send students to their homes.

•        Monitor   the    above  measures   closely  with  the    Head  Masters, Inspecting Officers  and other officials  and see that all precautions are taken to avoid any hardship to the  Students / Teachers.

 The above instructions shall not  affect the  schedule already issued for the  SA-2 exams  scheduled for class 1 to 9



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