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Notification for admission of children in Class I

 Notification for admission of children in Class I

Notification  for   admission    of  children  in  Class  I  under Section    12(1)   (C)   of   the   Right   of   Children   to   Free   and Compulsory  Education  Act  2009  for the  academic  year 2023-24 for  all  Private  Unaided  Schools  (IB/ICSE/CBSE/State  syllabus) in Andhra  Pradesh  - Orders 



One  of the  features  of the  Right  of Children  to  Free  and Compulsory   Education   Act   2009    is   to   provide   access   and affordability for  the children  belonging  to disadvantaged groups and  weaker   sections  towards  25%   seats  in  Private  Unaided Schools  in the  country.

2.      In  the State of Andhra  Pradesh,  100%  affordability to the private  unaided   school  is  being   provided  to  all  the  children belonging  to  disadvantaged  groups and  weaker  sections  in  the State  through  Ammavodi Scheme.

3.      For the  accessibility towards  25%  of seats  of Private  Un- aided  schools  as per Section  12(1)  (C) of the  Right  of Children to  Free  and  Compulsory  Education  Act 2009, for the children of disadvantaged groups and weaker  sections, the process is being taken  up through  online  by issuing  this  notification.


4.      Accordingly, Government  hereby issue the  Notification  for admission   of  children  under  12  (1)  (C)  of the  Right  of  Children to  Free  and  Compulsory  Education  Act  2009     for allotment  of 25%    of   seats   in   Class   I,   in   all   Private   Un  aided   Schools following  IB/ICSE/CBSE/State   syllabus, for  the   academic   year 2023-24 for  all  the  Private  Un-aided  schools  in  the  State.  The detailed  schedule  for admissions is  as follows


(i)    In  order to  apply  for admission against   25%  reserved seats   in  all   private   un-aided  schools (IB/ICSE/CBSE/State   syllabus    following   Private   Un• aided   Schools)    under   the  Act,   parent  / guardian  of eligible children may visit the online portal  and   apply   themselves  or  with the support of the Headmaster/ Principal of the school concerned  or  Mandal  Education  Officer  (MEO)/  Village and   Ward   Secretariat.   The   Parent/guardian   of   the eligible     children   shall    select    multiple    schools    for admission  of their child as per his/her choice  in order of priority.

(ii)   (a)  Details of help  desks  for facilitating  the application process;

(b) Toll-free  helpline   number14417is  provided  for redressing    the    issues    during    and    after    the admission process;

( c)  The    Manda I            Educational     Officers    and    District Educational  Officers  shall  have  separate  login  links for the  porta I.

(d)  First  those  applications  shall  be  considered  where the  residence  tagged  Grama  Sachivalayam is within 1  km of the  radius  from the  school.  Thereafter the applicants  residing   within  the  range  of  3  km  radius from  the  schools  shall  be taken  into  consideration.


(e)   Within  the   neighborhood  criterion  of  1    km   and   3 km   distance,   preference  will   be  given   to  children who  have  siblings  studying  in  the  same  school.


(f)    If the applications  of sibling  category,  in neighborhood range of  0-1 km  are  in  excess  of the seats  of  General  Category,  the  draw  of  lots  of  all sibling   applications  (which   have   residence   tagged Grama  Sachivalayam  within  1   km), shall  be conducted    to   admit   the   students   against   the number of available seats.

(g)  If the  applications  of sibling  category  within  0-1  km are  less  than  the  seats  of  non-DG/EWS  category and   if  seats  still  remain  vacant  after  exhausting sibling    applications,   the   school    shall   admit   the students   on the   basis   of  draw  of  lots  from   the remaining applications  received   under  the neighborhood range  of 0-  1  km.

(h)  In  case the  total  applications  of 0-1  km  is  less  than the  number of seats of non-DG/EWS category, and vacancies   still  remain   unfilled  after exhausting  the applications from  the distance range  of 0-1  km,  the applications     from      the     second      neighborhood distance  range  of more than  1   km  and  up to 3  km shall  be considered  in the above  manner   i.e.  out of the  total  applications  from  the  neighborhood  range of  more than  1   km  and  up to 3  km,  admission  will be given  to  all siblings.

(i)  If  the   applications   of  sibling    category,   in neighborhood range  of  more than  1  km  up to 3 km are  in  excess  of the  vacant  seats  of non-DG/EWS category, the draw of all sibling  applications (which have  residence  tagged  Grama  Sachivalayam  within

3  km),  shall   be  conducted  to  admit  the  students against the  number of vacant  seats.

(j)  If the  applications  of sibling   category  within  3   km are less than the remaining vacant seats of General Category and if seats still remain  vacant after exhausting   sibling    applications,   the   school   shall admit  the  students  on  the  basis  of  draw  of  lots from  the  remaining applications received  under  the neighborhood range  of  more than  1   km and  up to  3 km.

(k)   If vacancies   still   remain  unfilled  after  exhausting the  applications  from   the  distance  range  of  more than  1   km  and  up  to  3  km,  the  applications  from beyond  the  range  of  neighborhood  of  more than  3 km shall  be considered in the  above  manner.

(I)    All     the      Private        Un-aided      schools      following


shall   reserve   25%      syllabus

of   seats   in  Andhra   Pradesh

in   Class-1   for   the

Academic  Year 2023-24  for implementation  of  RTE

12(1)(C)  as  per  the   rule   (1)   of  G.O.Ms.No.129, School Education (Prog-11) Dept, dt.15.07.2022, without  deviation.

6.Help Desk:

(a)  District Educational Officer/  Mandal  Educational Officer shall ensure that no charges are incurred from parents/guardians for  the services offered  at the  help• desk.    These  services  shall  be  a   part  of the  role  and responsibilities  of the  District  Educational  Officer

Mandal  Educational  Officer  and  schools  and a  voluntary service by the  interested  NGOs.


(b)  The  helpdesk  shall  stay  functional  till the  completion  of the   admission    process  for   the   particular   academic sessions.


(c)  Service for submission of application  is also provided at every village/  ward secretariats  in the  state  at  free of cost.


7.     Eligibility  Criteria  for Admission:     

        Eligibility    of    children    for   admissions   under    Section

        12(1)(c)  of  the  Act  shall  be determined    under  Rule 9 of

the   Andhra    Pradesh    Right   of   Children   to   Free   And

Compulsory  Education  Rules,  2010  read  with G.O.Ms.No.50 SE (Prog-ID), dt.01.10.2020 and G.O.Ms.No.63, School Education (Prog.ll) Department, dt.28.12.2020  which  is about  six step  validation.

The  order  of preference shall  be followed  by the schools covered  under   RTE  Act  2009  in  admitting  the  children  in  the State.

(a)    Disadvantaged  groups:

Orphan,  HIV  affected  and disabled

SC    -   5% -   10%

        ST     -   4%

(b)    Weaker sections  which  includes  others     

        Viz.,  BC, Minorities,  OCs(whose  annual       

        Income  does not exceed  Rs: 1,20,000/-      

        Per annum) in  Rural  and  Rs: 1,44,000/-      

        Per annum  in  Urban  Area        -   6%

        Total                                       -   25%

Note:         1)       The  above  arrangement  of  reservation in  sequential              order is  applicable to all  unaided   private  schools  in                  plain  area.   Where  orphans,   HIV   affected   and  the disabled   are   not   available  or  available   only   to  a certain  extent,  such  vacancies   will  be filled   by  STs and    SCs.         After   exhausting    all   applications        for admission         of    Orphans,     HIV    affected    and         the disabled,   SC and  ST,  if  any  seats   remain   unfilled such   seats   will   be  added   to   the   percentage   of weaker sections.

2)   In Tribal areas,  all ST Children should  be admitted first.  After exhausting  applications  of ST Children, SC Children may  be admitted. After exhausting the SC  and  ST  Children  the  remaining  seats  will   be filed  by others.

8.            Procedure for submission of application  online: Detailed   procedure  for  applying  ONLINE   is   available   in   the website     The     parent/guardian     can down load   the   Information   at   free   of   cost   from   the   website w.e.f.     06.03.2023    onwards    and    they    can    submit    their applications  online from  18.03.2023  to  07.04.2023.

(i)   The List  of valid  documents  required  for the  application process as proof of residence  tagged Grama sachivalayam shall  include  any  one of the  following:

a.    UID-  Aadhaar Card  of Parent/  Guardian /Child

 b.      Voter Identity  card

C.      Electricity  Bill

d.     Driving  License

e.    Copy of Rent Agreement

f.      Rice  Card

g.    Certificate  from  Tehsildar/Local  Authority

h.    Certificate from  Child Welfare Committee (CWC),  in case of children declared  CNCP or CICL are  residing in     a    Child    Care    Institution    (CCI).The   Aadhar number can  be sought as per  provisions under  the Aadhaar.

(ii)   Other     essential     documents     for    ascertaining     the eligibility  criterion

a.    For the  children  with  disability,  certificate  issued  by the persons having requisite qualifications and experience  as  certifying  authorities,  designated  by the Government or as the case  may  be, as per the Guidelines   for  Evaluation  and  Procedure  for Certification     of    Various     Specified     Disabilities notified     under     the     Rights    of    Persons     with Disabilities   (RPwD)   Act,   2016   (SADAREM Certificate  is  to be uploaded)

b.    Children   infected   or  affected   with   HIV/AIDs,  will also   have   to   submit   their  own   or   the   medical certificates of their parents  (Medical  certificate  is to be uploaded  issued  by the  DMHO concerned).

c.    Transgender    children    shall    submit    a     medical certificate  issued  by  Civil  surgeon/  Superintendent of Government notified  hospitals as a  proof of their eligibility  under  the  provision.

d.     The   certificates   that   shall    be    valid   as   a  birth certificate    includes    all    proof         valid   under the Aadhaar   (Enrolment    and    Update)    Regulations, 2016;  Hospital/Auxiliary Nurse and Midwife (ANM) register record; Anganwadi record;  Declaration through  an  affidavit  of the  age  of the  child  by  the parent  or guardian


a)   The  portal  shall  contain  a  school-wise  list  of children who  got  selected  through  the  lottery  process.    The school will  then update the status of admission  of each child    by    selecting    whether   the   child    has   taken admission  or not.

b) The   school    shall    individually   approach   the parents/guardian of each child for completing the admission  process.

c)    If  the  parent  of  the  child  to  whom   seat  has  been allotted  is  not  traceable  by the  school  for seven  days, this   may   be  treated   as  a   dispute   and   referred  to District   Admission   Monitoring    Committee    (DAMC). After the  decision  of  DAMC, the  seat  may  be released for  admission   of children in the  waiting  list.

d)    In  case  the  aggrieved  party  is  not  satisfied  by  the decision   of  DAMC,  the  District  Collector  / Magistrate shall  be the  final  appellate  authority.

e)    In  case any  dispute  is  noted  against a  specific school, the  DAMC may  take  suomoto  cognizance   and  initiate inquiry.

f)    Any  issues  with  regard  to  documents  shall  be taken up by the  DAMC.

g)    Even  after the  completion  of above  stated  process,  if there is any  seat vacant in  any  private school  from  the earmarked quota of 25 % seats, government will be competent   to   allot   the   vacant      seats   to   eligible children  through  any  method  as it  deems  fit.  The  idea is,  under  no circumstances  no earmarked  seats  for the children   of   disadvantage   group   and   weaker   section should  remain  vacant.



a)  Any parent/guardian can file grievance to the District Admission    Monitoring   Committee   (DAMC)   within   07 days from  the  list of display  of selected  children.

b)   Any  person aggrieved  by the  decision  of the  DAMC may file  an  appeal  against such  decision  of  the  DAMC may file  an  appeal  against such  decision  before  the APSERMC.

c)    Such  appeals  should  be filed  within  three  months  from the  date  of  order  of  the  DAMC  and  APSERMC  shall dispose   of  all  appeals   within  a   time  period  of  three months  of filing.

d)   The   procedure  for   hearing   all   appeals    shall   be   in accordance with  rule  9(4)  of APSERMC Act  21 of  2019.

Note:-The    parents/guardians   are   requested   to   submit   the application  carefully  with  full awareness  of  notification.  No Edit

/Modification      provision    for     the     application      once submitted.

The responsibilities of State Government, Commissioner of School  Education,  Regional  Joint  Director of School  Education, District Educational Officer,  Mandal  Educational  Officer,  Parent, Principal/Headmaster, School Management, District Admission Monitoring   Committee,   are   clearly   mentioned   in G.O.Ms.No.129, School Education (PROG.II) Department, Dated:15.07.2022   amended    to   G.O.Ms.No.20,   School Education  (PE- Progs.I)  Dept.,  Dated:03.03.2011


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