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Mana Badi Nadu Nedu – Visit all Schools on Monday

Mana Badi Nadu Nedu  – Visit all Schools on Monday

School Education- Mana Badi Nadu  Nedu  – Visit all Schools on Monday in their jurisdiction by the Engineering Assistants Photo Capturing of Stage of works component wise and uploading the same  on STMS and updating  Consistent Rythms app based on School inspection -  Instructions

 Government vide reference 1st read  above, accorded Administrative    sanction   approval    for   improving    Infrastructure facilities in 22,344  Schools and other Educational institutions with a total budget outlay of Rs.8000 Crs.

 In this connection, in the reference 2nd cited, the Commissioner School Infrastructure while reviewing  the progress of uploading the stage wise progress photos has  issued the following instructions to all the District Educational Officers, Additional Project Coordinators in State.

 All the DEOs and APCs in the State  should issue circular instructions through the District Collectors to all the Engineering Assistants in the District to inspect Schools in their jurisdiction in the first half day of every Monday for capturing    the component wise, stage wise Photos and  upload  the same  in STMS portal. The Engineering assistants shall also attend to the work  related Consistent  Rythms and upload the relevant data On Tuesday  based  on the  data  in STMS  the District Educational Officers   and   Additional   Project   Coordinators  will    identify   the defaulting  Engineering  assistants  and  circulate  file   to   District Collector for initiating disciplinary action against the defaulting Engineering  Assistants. The details  of disciplinary  action initiated against  the Engineering Assistants  should be sent to   Nadu  Nedu Head office.

 Hence, All  the District Educational  Officers  and Additional Project Coordinators in the State, shall ensure that the above guidelines are implemented in letter and spirit 


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