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Map the cadre strength of Municipal Teachers working in Municipal High Schools to their respective Head Masters

Map the cadre strength of Municipal Teachers working in Municipal High Schools to their respective Head Masters 

 Entrustment of supervision and administrative responsibilities  of the   Municipal  Schools  to  the   School  Education Department  -  Request  to   map  the   cadre  strength  of  Municipal Teachers working in Municipal High Schools to their respective Head Masters in the  state for the  purpose of drawing salaries of Municipal Teachers through the  School Education Department

 I wish to inform you that, in the  reference 11th cited 303 new DDO Codes have been allotted to Municipal High Schools.

 Further,  I   am  to   state  that,  I   am   submitting   herewith  the consolidated list of mapping  of Municipal High Schools institution-wise/ DDO-wise,  and  I  request  you  to   issue  necessary  instructions  to   the concerned authorities to  map the   cadre strength of Municipal Teachers working in Municipal High Schools to their respective Head Masters in the state for the   purpose of drawing  salaries  of Municipal Teachers  through the  School Education Department, at an early date



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