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Ensuring  of subject teachers  in  the  High Schools  and  required   number   of  teachers  in  Foundational Schools,  Foundational  School Plus  - AP  Teachers  (Regulation of Transfers)  Guidelines,  2022  - Certain instructions issued  - Govt.Orders Communicated 

 The attention of all Regional Joint Directors of School Education and District Educational  Officers  in the State is  invited to the reference read above,  wherein  the  Government  has  issued  detailed  guidelines  for  the transfer of Headmasters (Gr.II), School Assistants (SAs), and equivalent cadres,  Secondary   Grade  Teachers  (SGTs)  and  equivalent  categories working  in Government,  Zilla  Praja  Parishad  and  Mandal  Praja  Parishad Schools in the State during Academic Year 2022-23. A Copy of the Government Order is herewith communicated.

 In  earlier teacher transfers (i.e,  2020),  several  court cases have been filed  by the  Headmasters/Teachers  in the Hon'ble  High Court of A.P on various aspects i.e., old station points, re-apportionment points, cutoff date,  vacancies,  misuse  of spouse  points,etc.  Keeping  in  view  of  past experience,  all  Regional  Joint  Directors of School  Education  and  District Educational  Officers  in  the  State are  requested  to strictly  follow/ensure the   below  guidelines   along  with   the  clear  guidelines   issued   by  the Government vide reference  read above.

 a) Erstwhile  Districts shall be taken as District as a  Unit for transfers.

 a) Those Headmasters (Gr.II) who have completed SAcademic years of service and those  Teachers who have completed  8 Academic years of service in a  particular school by Academic Year 2021-22 shall be transferred  compulsorily.(i.e., who joined  before  02.11.2017 in  case of Headmasters  (Gr.II)  and 02.11.2014  in the case of Teachers)

 b) No minimum  service is required for applying  request transfer.

 c)  Headmaster   (Gr.Il)/Teacher  shall   apply   for   transferas   per  the schedule  specified  in  the  G.O.  No  Headmaster  (Gr.II)/Teacher  is allowed to apply multiple times online

 )  Headmasters  (Gr.II)/Teachers,  where the  preferential  categories  are

claimed  on health grounds shall submit the latest medical  reports as certified   by   the   District   Medical   Board   to   the   Committee.   The Committee  shall  verify the  reports  in detail  and genuine  cases shall be authenticated  for consideration  of the  respective  claim.

 e)  Headmasters  (Gr.II)/Teachers  shall  ensure  that,  one  of the  spouse shall   only   claim   extra   points   under   the   spouse   category   duly following   the   norms   as   envisaged   in   guidelines   issued   by   the Government.   However, validation will be ensured in the Transfer module.

 f)  The Committees  shall  constitute  a  sub-committee  for verification  of all spouse cases and instruct the sub-committee to verify  all spouse cases in detail along the options exercised by the individual  (in accordance  with  rules or not)  before submission  of the final  list and furnish  a  declaration  that  spouses are  opted  vacancies as per rules.

 g) If any  misuse  of spouse  points  is  noticed,  appropriate  disciplinary action  will  be initiated  against the  individual  as per  rule  20  of CCA rules  and  a   major penalty  of withholding  three  increments  with cumulative  effect  shall  be  imposed  besides  filing  a criminal  case. The Grievances regarding  opting  for places with  spouse points  shall not be entertained.

 h) The   Headmaster   (Gr-II)/Teacher   should    avail    of   either   the preferential  category (Guideline 8) or the special  points  {Guideline 6 (i to iv)}  once in 5/8  years respectively and an entry  is to be made in  his/her Service  Register and the  same  shall  be certified  by the DDO concerned.

 i)  The following vacancies shall be notified  for counseling:

 1. All clear vacancies as on30.11.2022;All vacancies arising due to compulsory transfers as per guideline  2

 2. Resultant vacancies arise during counseling (i.e., promotions, transfers, etc.,).

 3.  Headmaster  (Gr.II)/Teachers  who  have  promoted  and  allotted places on Adhoc basis as per this  office  Procgs  Dt: 14.10.2021, their places are to be shown as vacant.

 4. Vacancies existing due to authorized/unauthorized absence of teachers for more than 1  year.

 5.  Vacancies  due  to   maternity   leave,   medical   leave,   or   under suspension should not be notified. They can be filled  up by work adjustment  if theperiod is beyond 4 weeks

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