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Training on Installation of Byjus

 Training on Installation of Byjus App

School Education Providing of Tabs to VIII  Class students of Government Schools Training on installation of Byjus -  Plan of action for distribution of Tabs Orders

In continuation to  the orders issued vide reference 2nd read  above, the District Educational officers in the state are invited to the reference read above, It  is to  inform that  the Government of Andhra Pradesh  has desired to  provide tabs to  Class  8  Students  of all  Government Schools preloaded with BYJU'S Premium content at free of cost.

 2.       Accordingly,  the  said  tabs  have   been  procured  by  APTS and  being distributed to the mandal delivery Points / locations by the delivery vendor (M/s Unbox Gadgets Pvt Ltd.). The following activities are to be done:

 a) Tabs shall be unpacked, and the preloaded content SD Card musbe installed in the tablets.

 b) Tabs shall be connected to Internet and updated. For  this a high speed broadband  connection may  be arranged.  After completion  of updation, Byjus  premium app  will be automatically  installed  and  it needs  to  be activated  with the students credentials  &  encrypted QR  code which is supplied in the pouch along with SD card and setup the class and course creation.


c)  Post completion of installation.  Tabs  need to  be re boxed and sealed. A Sticker be affixed with name and details of the child on the BOX. Used QR Code should be pouched back again by noting the Child ID on the QR Code slip and need to be sent back to DHQ.


d) After completion of entire process, the Mandal Educational officers shall identify the storage points and safeguard them until distribution


 3.     A training on the above activities is scheduled  to start from  08-12-2022. It is proposed to give Virtual training on the above process. The said training will be provided hands-on by master trainers. It is also proposed to cover 15 locations in

01 Training batch & 10 batches per day and within 5 days total 670 mandals will be completed. The  district wise &  mandal wise schedule is annexed

following are to be ensured for smooth conduct of the training.


a) Each Location User should have 05 devices, 05 SD cards & 05 QR Codes available for hands-on session.

 b) In every  location the mandal  staf shown below shoulattend  the training  and complete the task in their respective  mandal  within three days.

 i. MIS Co-ordinator ii.Data Entry operator iii.Cluster Resource persons


v.One Active teacher

   4.      Towards ensuring  smooth  conduct  of  the  above  work,  all  the District Educational Officers in the state were already requested to  identify one nodal person exclusively from each district for assisting the headmasters in installation, activation of tabs and smooth distribution. In addition to the above a state level team was also constituted for addressing  all issues. The  list of state level nodal ofcers is annexed.

 5.      Therefore, all the District Educational Officers in the State are requested to disseminate   the  above  instructions  to   their  respective  Mandal  Educational Officers and see that the task is completed within the stipulated  time. All the Regional Joint Directors in the state should closely monitor the above activity and ensure that top priority should be given to this item of work.


6.     These instructions should be followed scrupulously.  Any deviation of these instructions  will be  viewed  seriously,  and suitable disciplinary  action  will be initiated against such defaulters as per rules in force

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