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Standard Operating Procedure (SoP) for NOC for Visa/Passport Applications

 Standard Operating Procedure (SoPfoNOC for Visa/Passport


This Feature will be enabled for all government HMs to submit there NOC application for teachers in his/her school.

 HM  Login:

 School user / Head master can login into with the school login  credentials  used  for  marking  student  attendance  and  submit  their employee  application  as done earlier.  The school  user process remains  same as done previously there are no major changes.

 Once they click  on NOC Visa module, The below screen will be visible for HM for submitting the  visa Application for the teachers selected

 After reaching the application to District Level. DEO office employees can Login to application with their same credential used  for facial attendance  for Visa Approval,  he can able  to forward or send back to clarification  to HM login , once he  click   on  forward  option  he  can able  to  forward to  the  selected designation of  his office i.e for eg. If  the application is at clerk level, he can forward to  Superintendent  / AD  /DEO  etc.. Similar  to e-office  after  final approval at district level the application can be forwarded to Zone Level i.e RJDSE  Office

 Note : Screens remain same for all logins from Dist Level to Government Level

Zonal Level :


After reaching to Zonal Level, employees in RJDSE  office employee can Login to application with their same credential used  for facial attendance  for Visa Approval, he/she can able to forward or send back to clarification to HM login

, once he click  on forward option  he /she can able to forward to the selected designation of  his office i.e for eg. If  the application is at clerk level, he can forward to Superintendent  / AD  /RJDSE  etc.. Similar  to e-office  after  final approval at Zone level the application can be forwarded to State Level i.e CSE Office .


Note : Screens remain same for all logins from Dist Level to Government Level


State Level :


Similarly for CSE office. The application received to concerned employees can see by  logging with their credentials used  for the  facial attendance.  for Visa Approval, he/she can able to forward or send back to clarification to HM login

,once he click  on forward option  he /she can able  to forward to the selected designation of  his office i.e for eg. If  the application is at clerk level, he can forward to Superintendent / AD /JD etc.. Similar to e-office after final approval at State  level  the application  can be forwarded to CSE  at State Level  will be automatically approved in 24 hours if it is less than 6 months.

 Note : Screens remain same for all logins from Dist Level to Government Level

 Applicants seeking permission for more than 6 months will  be automatically forwarded to the Government with  in 24 hours  to Principal Secretary ( SE  ) Login for approval

 Any action for approve and reject of the NOC Passport application is given with remarks and same logic  was given to below designation

 MEO/DYEO DEO  Clerk - DEO Superintendent DEO AD DEO

All MEO/DYEO/DEO Logins can be used just they use for attendance app and remaining Logins were shared to department for DEO clerk , DEO Superintendent and DEO AD. Please use the same LOGINS

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