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Mapping of Municipal Teachers Cadre Strength to MEOs / DIS

  Mapping of Municipal Teachers Cadre Strength to MEOs / DIS

Entrustment of supervision and administrative responsibilities of the  Municipal Schools to the  School Education  Department -  Request  to   map  the   cadre  strength  of MunicipaTeachers  working in  Municipal  Primary  Schools/  Upper Primary Schools /  High Schools (Non-sanction of Panel Grade Head Master Posts) to the  Mandal Educational Officers/ Deputy Inspector of Schools in the   state for drawing the   salaries of Municipal Teachers through the  School EducatioDepartment

Commissioner & Director of Municipal Administration,  A.P.


In continuation of this office letter in the  reference 8th cited, I wish to inform you that in the  reference 3rd cited, the  Director of Treasuries and Accounts, A.P., has informed that to  prepare a Institution wise/DDO Wise consolidated  list  of  personnel  to   be  shifted  to   the   School  Education Department along with the  institution/DDO (with DDO Code) to which they are to be mapped.


In this regard, in the  reference 4th cited, have been requested to all the  District Educational  Officers in the  state to  furnish the  particulars of Present DDO codes under the  Municipal Administration Department are to be mapped to  the   DDO  codes  under the   control of  School  Education Department in prescribed Proforma for drawing the  salaries of Municipal Teachers.  Accordingly, all  the   District Educational  Officers  in the   state have submitted the   particulars.  The Particulars  of institution  wise/DDO Wise consolidated list and School wise Municipal Teachers Cadre strength are herewith enclosed for ready reference.


In  view  of  the   above,  I  request  the   Director of  Treasuries  and Accounts,   Andhra  Pradesh   to    issue  necessary   instructions   to    the concerned for mapping  the  cadre  strength of Municipal Teachers  working in Municipal Primary Schools/ Upper Primary Schools / High Schools (Non- sanction  of Panel  Grade Head Master Posts) to  the   concerned Mandal Educational Officers/ Deputy Inspector of Schools in the  state for drawing the    salaries   of  Municipal   Teachers   through   the    School   Education Department at an early date.



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