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Representations for transfers from the CRPs/PTIs/Data Entry Operators/MIS Coordinators -under Samagra Shiksha

CRPs/PTIs/Data Entry Operators/MIS CoordinatorsMandal LeveAccountants Messengers Transfers -instructions

Representations   for transfers  from  the CRPs/PTIs/Data Entry Operators/MIS Coordinators, Mandal Level Accountants,  Messengers  and  any  other similar  categories  under Samagra Shiksha Instructions

 While enclosing a copy of the  reference cited the  Additional Project Coordinator,  Samagra  Shiksha, Krishna  District is requested to  examine the  request of the  individual and take necessary action at District level as per rules in force.

 Further, all the  APC in the  State are  also directed to dispose of the endorsements  and  recommendations of the   public  representatives  for transfers of outsourcing employees as per rules in vogue


AP SIEMAT Diagnosis survey

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