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Delegation of powers and functions to the Headmasters

  Delegation  of powers  and functions to  the  Headmasters

Delegation  of powers  and functions to  the  Headmasters working  in the Schools of Government, ZPP/MPP and Municipal  Management, Manda!  Educational  Officers/  Deputy  Inspectors  of  Schools,  Deputy Educational  Officers,  District  Educational  Officers  and  the  Commissioner  of School  Education  - Orders

 In  the G.O.  1° read  above,  Government have delegated the  powers to various  functionaries  of  School  Education  Department,  viz.,  the Headmasters of    Primary    Schools,    Upper    Primary    Schools,    High    Schools,    Manda! Educational  Officers  /  Deputy  Inspectors  of  Schools,   Deputy  Educational Officers  and  District  Educational  Officers   and  thereby framed   rules  for  A.P. Educational   Services   (APES)   and   A.P.   School   Educational   Sub-ordinate Services  (APSESS).

 2.         In   the   G.Os  2  and   3"°  read   above,   the  above   said   rules   were amended   from   time  to  time   which   were   issued   before  bifurcation  of  the State.

 3.        In  the  G.O.  4"  read  above,   Government  have  brought  the  Samagra Shiksha  completely under  the purview of the District Educational Officer duly revamping   the  then  existing  system  and  making   the  District  Educational Officer as Ex-officio District Project Coordinator, Samagra Shiksha and the nomenclature  of  the  post  of  Project  Officer,   SSA,   has  been  changed   as Additional  Project  Co-ordinator,  Samagra Shiksha.

 4.      In  the  G.O.  5"  read  above,  Government have  restructured the existing Anganwadi   centers  and  non-residential  schools  run  by  State  Government, Manda!  Parishad,  Zilla  Parishad,  Municipal  and Tribal   Welfare   Departments

 schools  into  six categories  i.e.,  Satellite  Foundational   School;    Foundational School;   Foundational  School   Plus;   Pre  High  Schools;   High  School  and  High School  Plus  for  transforming  educational  infrastructure  and  to enhance  the student  dignity  and  to  bring  in  comprehensive academic  and  administrative reforms   with    an   objective   of   improving    learning    outcomes   of   children studying  in  government  schools  to make them  future  global  citizens.

  5.            In   the   G.O.    6"    read    above,  Government   have    entrusted   the supervision   and   administrative   responsibilities   of  teachers  establishment working  in   Municipal  Schools  also  to  the  School  Education  Department  on par  with  the  Government  and Panchayat  Raj  Management Teachers.

 6.     In the reference 7"  read above,  the  Commissioner of School  Education, while    narrating    the    above,    has   submitted    proposals   for   revision    of Delegation of Powers to various functionaries viz., the Headmasters of Foundational  School/Foundational  School  Plus  /Pre-High  School/High  School

/High   School   Plus   in    all   Managements   (i.e.,   Govt./ZPP/MPP/Municipal), Mandal     Educational     Officers/Deputy     Inspector     of     Schools,      Deputy Educational  Officers,  District  Educational  Officers  and  the  Commissioner  of School  Education.

 7.       Government,  after  careful  examination  and  keeping  in  view  the  recent academic  and  administrative  reforms  in  School  Education  Department,  have decided  to accept  the proposal  of the  Commissioner  of School  Education  and accordingly,    hereby   issue    orders    delegating    the   following   powers   and functions   to  the  Headmasters   of  Foundational   School/Foundational   School Plus/Pre-High   School/High   School/   High   School   Plus   in  all   Managements (i.e.,     Govt./ZPP/MPP/Municipal),      Mandal      Educational      Officers/Deputy Inspector    of    Schools,    Deputy    Educational    Officer,    District    Educational Officers  and  the  Commissioner  of  School   Education,   including  the  drawing and disbursement  powers  to the  Gazetted  Headmasters  working in Municipal High  Schools  on  par  with   the   Headmasters  of  Government/   Panchayt  Raj management,   in  supersession  of  the  orders   issued   in  the  G.Os  1st  to   3rdread above:•


 The Commissioner  of  School  Education  besides his executive  powers shall  have the  authority  to grant  of any kind of Leave  more  than  1  year and up  to  4  years   for  the   Deputy   Educational   Officers,   Manda!   Educational Officers/Deputy  Inspector of Schools,  Headmasters  and Teachers  working in Foundational  School/Foundational  School  Plus/Pre-High  School/High  School/ High  School  Plus  of all  Managements  (Government,  ZPP/MPP  &  Municipal) subject to  condition  that the Headmasters/Mandal  Educational  Officers  and Teachers   report   back  to  the   same   school   from  which  applied  leave   if vacancy is  there,  otherwise  he/she  should be posted  to  any other  school  in same  Manda I     or nearest  Mandal

 i) Grant  Casual  Leave / Special  Casual  Leave  (Special     Casual  Leave when    permitted   by  the  Government)  and  any  type  of  leave  to Deputy  Educational      Officers  and  Manda!   Educational  Officers  up to  1  year;  and    to  the  Headmasters  and teachers  of  Foundational School   /  Foundational   School           Plus,   Pre-High   Schools,   High School,  High  School  (Plus)  in all  managements  (Govt.,  ZPP/MPP  & Municipal),  for more  than  6  months  and  up  to  1   year,  subject  to the     condition     that  the Headmasters  and teachers  report back to the  same    school  from  where    they  went  on leave  and continue  to work there.

 ii) Sanction           of     Earned     Leave/Half     Pay     Leave/Commuted

Leave/Maternity  Leave/and     Extra  Ordinary Leave.

 iii) Sanction    of Increments  and pay fixations.

iv) Sanction       of  Automatic   Advancement   Scheme,   Leave  Travel

Concession  and Joining    permissions.

v) Sanction     General  Provident  Fund  Loans  and  General      Provident Fund   Part-Finals       and  forwarding  of   General   Provident   Fund Withdrawals

 vi) Sanction       Family   Benefit   fund  and   Group  Insurance   Scheme


vii) Sanction  of Pension     and  forwarding  of    proposals to Accountant General and forwarding of A.P.     Government Life     Insurance applications.

 viii) Draw        the    Medical   Advance/Reimbursement   after   scrutiny   of

Dr.YSR Aarogyasri  Health  Care  Trust,  A.P.

ix) Attest    the Transfer  Certificates  of  students  seeking     admission  in other    Countries.

b) He shall  also  have  powers in  respect of teachers  of    Foundational  School  / Foundational   School   Plus,   Pre-High       Schools,   High   School,   High  School (Plus)  in  all  managements  (Govt.,  ZPP/MPP  & Municipal),    for  regularization of  their  services  and  declaration   of      Probation   as     per  existing   service rules.

 c) He    shall  also  have  powers  in  respect  of  staff  working    under FST&C  in the  O/o  Additional  Project  Coordinator,  Samagra  Shiksha     in their   district.



 The    Deputy         Educational    Officer   shall    have    powers   in    respect   of Headmasters   of  High      Schools/   High   School(Plus)   in  all   managements (Govt.,  ZPP/MPP  & Municipal)  and he/she  shall

 i) Grant  Casual  Leave / Special  Casual  Leave  (Special     Casual  Leave when      permitted   by  the   Government)   to   Headmaster  of  High Schools;   and  also     other  types  of  leave  for more  than  4  months and  up to  6    months  to  Headmasters  and teachers of  Foundational School   /  Foundational       School       Plus,   Pre-High   Schools,   High School,  High  School  (Plus)  in  all  managements  (Govt.,  ZPP/MPP  & Municipal),  subject  to        the  condition  that  the  Head  Masters  and teachers  report back to  the  same       school  from  where they  went on leave  and continue  to  work there.

 ii) Sanction    of Increments  and pay fixations.

iii) Sanction       of   Automatic   Advancement   Scheme,   Leave  Travel

Concession  and Joining    permissions


Representations / appeals of Teachers for promotion Instructions

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