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Visually Challenged Employees - Departmental Tests - Exemption

  Exemption for departmental tests Visually Challenged Employees

Promotion  to  the  higher  posts -- Visually  Challenged  Employees- Passing of Departmental  Tests  for promotion to  next higher  categories  -- Extension  of time for one more year allowed as a last chance – Orders

 0 RD ER:

 In the G.O. first read above, orders were issued, allowing five (5) years' time to acquire the qualification of Tests prescribed under the rules for Visually Challenged Employees,  who were   otherwise   qualified   for promotion, subject   to acquiring the qualification of such tests within a period of five years from the date of promotion.  During the time, the books and codes shall be prepared and made available in Braille Script and preparation of books and codes in Braille Script for passing of tests shall be reviewed after a period of five years.

 2.         In the  G.O.  second read above, orders were  , extending  another  5 (five) years time to acquire the qualification of Tests prescribed under the rules by the Visually Challenged  Employees,  who  have not passed the tests  prescribed  under the  rules but otherwise  qualified  for  promotion,  subject  to  acquiring  the  qualification  of  such  tests within a  period of five years from the date of promotion.  During the time, the books and codes shall be prepared and made available in   Braille Script and the preparation of Books and Codes in Braille Script for passing of tests shall be reviewed after a period of five years.  It was  further  ordered  that those  visually  challenged  employees,  promoted under said  G.O.Ms.No.748,  General  Administration   (Ser.C)  Department, dated:29.12.2008 shall be eligible for increments,  service regularization,  and also eligible for automatic advancement  scheme  routinely granted at spells of 6,12,18  and 24 years' service  and  all  other  financial  benefits,  as  available  to  any  other  employee  who  got promotion by virtue of G.O.Ms.No.748,  G.A.(Ser.C)  Department,  dated 29.12.2008.

 3.       Government after careful examination, hereby extend another oneyear time to acquire the qualification of Tests prescribed under the rules by the Visually Challenged Employees as a   last chance.   It is further ordered that those   visually   challenged employees, promoted under said G.O.Ms.No.748, G.A.  (Ser.C)  Department,  dated  29-12-2008  and G.O.Ms.No.193,  General  Administration  (Ser.C)  Department,  dated 28-05-2014 will be eligible for increments, service regularization and also eligible for automatic advancement scheme routinely granted at spells of 6,12,18 and 24years service and all other fnancial benefts, as available to any other employee who got promotion by virtue of G.O.Ms.No.748,  G.A.(Ser.C)  Department,  dated 29-12-2008  and  G.O.Ms.No.193,  G.A. (Ser.C)  Department,  dated 28-05-2014.

 4.  The following Notification will be published in the Andhra Pradesh Gazettee:


 In  exercise of the powers conferred  by the proviso to article 309 of the Constitution of  India  and  of  all other  powers  hereunto  enabling,  the  Governor  of Andhra  Pradesh hereby makes the following Ad-hoc rule,  namely

 Ad-hoc Rule

 Notwithstanding anything contained in the Andhra Pradesh State and Subordinate Service   Rules  or  the   Special   Rules  governing  the   post,   the  Visually   Challenged Employees who  have  not  passed  the  tests  prescribed  under  the  rules  but otherwise qualified for promotion may be promoted to the post subject to acquiring the qualification of such tests within a period of one year from the date of promotion and during this time, the  books  and  codes  shall  be  prepared  and  made  available  in  Braille  Script.  The preparation of books and  codes  in  Braille Script for passing  of tests shall  be reviewed after a  period of  one year.  Such employees  now to be promoted  in  pursuance to this order will be eligible for all the benefits stated in  para-3 above.



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