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 Composite  school  grant  for Elementary  and  Secondary  and Sr.  Secondary  Schools  for  year 2022-23

AP  SS -Composite  school  grant  for Elementary  and  Secondary  and Sr.  Secondary  Schools  for  year 2022-23-  Release  of  budget(20%) to  the  Additional  Project  Coordinators  of  Samagra  Shiksha  in  the State  towards  release to  the  schools

It   is   informed   that    as  per  the  approved  AWPB  2022-23,  the Composite  School  Grant  may  be  released  to  37729   Elementary  schools and 7073  Secondary & Sr.Secondary  Schools  in  the State  .   The  budget  is to  be used  by the schools  flexible  to  ensure continuity  of learning  and  at least   10%   funds   to   be   utilized   for   swachhta   action   plan   for  water, sanitation  and  hygiene   n  the  schools as per the  strength  of the school.  In this  connection  it  is  decided   to  release  20%   of  budget  from   the  total sanctioned   in  financial   approval   shown   in   reference   2""  cited,   as  given below.

 Therefore, the Finance Controller of this Office is  hereby requested to release  the  above   20%   budget  for   Rs.20.07  crore  to  the    wrest  while Additional  Project Coordinators  in  the  State for  the  immediate  utilization. The  remaining   balance  budget  shown  in  the  financial   sanction  order will be released  soon after  budgetary  provisions of the  Govt.

 Hence  the  Finance  Controller of this  is  here  by requested  to  release the     composite  school  grant  2022-23  to  the  Additional  Project Coordinators of the  Samagra  Shiksha  in the  State  as above  immediately from School Composite Grant of PAB 2022-23( Sl.181.1  to 181.5 and SI.No.119.1  to  119.5).


MRC Grants

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