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RTE - Admission of Children into Ist Class-Instructions

 Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Rules,2010–Implementation RTE 12 (1) (C)- Admission of Children into Ist Class-Instructions

All the District Educational Officers and Additional Project Coordinators, Samagra they Siksha In the state are Invited In the above references cited and are Informed that, the Government of Andhra Pradesh have Issued mendment Notification In G.O.Ms.No.129.Dated:15.07.2022, School A Education Progs. (PROG.II) Department to G.O.Ms.No.20, School Education (PE 1) Dept., Dated:03.03.2011 on Implementation of 12 (C) during Academic 2022-2023In the State. (1)

 the In this connection, for the Implementation of 12 (1) (C) during the Academic 2022 2023 duly following the AP SOP guldelines a notification has been Issued and Invited the application were Invited for the admissions Into class I In Private Unalded Schools In the State, allowing every parent and guardian of eligible children under Rule 9 of Free and Compulsory Education Rules, 2010 read with G.O.Ms.No.63

 In this context, it is informed that as per the Schedule communicated by the School Education Department, the selected list of children to admit Into Class I for the Academic year 2022 2023 district Wise is herewith communicated to this Memo

 In view of the above. the District Educational Officers and Additional Project Coordinators, Samagra Siksha In the state are requested to take Immediate steps to admit the selected children In the concerned Private Unaided Schools of Class-1 from 05-09-2022 to 12-09-2022 for the Academic year 2022 2023 duly Issuing necessary Instructions to the Management concemed and to admit and provide Provisions like Uniforms, text books, note books etc., as provided by the Government of Andhra Pradesh without deviations and APSOT strictly In this connection, they are also requested to Instruct the managements of private schools concerned to verify the certificates of the selected candidates and confirm the admission.

 The 1st of selected candidates for admission is available at

 Further, the Project Coo District Educational Samagra Siksha in Officers and state are requested submit the compliance report on the leftover vacancies after the admission of the children in the respective schools


Paper Notification

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