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Nadu-Nedu, Phase-II - Revised Guidelines on purchase of Steel

 Mana   Badi   Nadu-Nedu,    Phase-II    - Guidelines - Revised Guidelines on purchase of Steel  under Nadu Nedu

 In Continuation to the circular   2 to 4"read above,  the following brands proposals  are received  from  the firms   for  Purchase of Steel under  Nadu Nedu Programme.

    Khamadhenu  N X T

•   SEL Tiger TMT

•   Shree TMTT

•    Tirumala TMT


•    Simhadri TMT

  2.  The  above  brands  are  placed  before  the  7"  Technical   Committee meeting  on  02.08.2022  and  taken  decision  for  inclusion  in  the  list  of approved  companies.

 3.  In  the  reference  5"" cited,   Technical  Committee  discussed  in  length and decided  to  restrict to  the following  companies  only  for  purchase  of steel to Nadu Nedu works as they are primary producers of steel.

   VIZAG  Steel

•   SAIL Steel(EQR)

•   TATA Steel

•   JSW (NEO) Steel

•   JSPL(Panther)

 .    Hence  all  the  District  Educational  Officers,  Additional  Project  Co• ordinators  and  Executive  Engineers  of the  implementing  agencies  shall give  special  attention  to  the  above  ensure  that  the  Parents  committiees are advised to  purchase  steel  from the   above  mentioned  companies  only following  the  above mentioned  guidelines.

 5.  The rates may vary  from  place to place due to transportation cost. The Parent  Committees  shall  conduct  a  Market  enquiry  and obtain  quotations for  the  above   brands   and  buy  the  lowest  rate  brand.  The  rate   band specified  in the  earlier circulars  shall be ignored.



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