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 PM POSHAN- Jagananna Gorumudda (JGM) (Mid Day Meal (MDM)) - Revision of Cooking costs provided to the Cooks of all Schools In the State under Jagananna Gorumudda (PM POSHAN) -Orders-Issued

 The attention of the all Reglonal Joint Directors of School Education and the District Educational Officers In the state are Invited to the above subject and Informed that the Government of Andhra Pradesh have Issued orders In the reference 3rd cited duly revising the cooking costs provided to the Cooks of all Schools In the Is as follows under Jagananna Gorumudda (Mid Day Meal):

 1. @Rs 5.88 per Student Instead of the present cost of @Rs 5.40 per student for Primary School students and,II. @Rs.8.57 per student Instead of the present cooking cast of @Rs.7.85 per student to Upper Primary/ High School students.

 The above revision of cost will come into force with @Rs.7.85 per student to Upper Primary/ High School students

 Therefore, It Is Informed that the additional cooking cost of @Rs.0.48 palse per student for Primary classes Students and @Rs.0.72 palse per student for Upper Primary/High schools shall be utilized under the HOA of Addl. Menu charges until further orders.

 All the Regional Joint Directors of School Education(RJDSES) and the District Educational Officers (DEOS) In the State are requested to utilize and process bills @Rs.0.48 palse per student for Primary School Students and @Rs.0.72 palse per student for Upper Primary/ High school Students ws.f. 01.09.2022 under the HOA of Addl. Menu charges. Care Is to be taken while generating bills under Addl. Menu charges of Jagannana Gorumudda(MDM) scheme.


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