Instructions on implementation of Vocational Education
Samagra Shiksha - Vocational Education - Instructions on implementation of Vocational Education
It is informed that NEP 2020 emphasizes the integration of Vocational Education with General Academic Education with an objective of expanding the exposure of vocational Education to 50% of learners by 2025 and to 100% by 2030 an to DevelopSkilt-based Activities and Experiential Learning, providing Career Guidanceand Counselling activities, and to create more avenues for vertical mobility to the students.
The State Project Director, Samagra Shiksha has conducted a review meetmg on 12.08.2022 with all Vocational Training Partners (VTPs), Vocational Coordinator (VCs) concerned & reviewed on the following items and noticed the following
Therefore, all the District Educational Officers & Ex-Officio Project Coordinators and all Assistant Project Coordinators, Samagra Shiksha are instructed to instructions for streamlining the Vocational Education scheme in the state
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