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Reducing weight of School Bag certain - Guide Lines

 Reducing  weight  of School  Bag certain - Guide Lines

 All the  Regional  Joint  Directors  of  School  Education,  and  District Educational Officers  in the state are informed that as per the reference cited above, the Secretary to the Govt. of India, MHRD, SE&L has been directed   to  refer   to  the   judgement   of   Madras   High   Court   dated

19.05.2018  in  connection  with  W.P.25680   of 2017  titled "M.Purushothanan  Vs Union  of  India"  wherein  the Union  of  India  inter• alia  was directed  to  frame  a  policy  on children's school  bags  as in the lines of the  "children's School  Bags (Limitation  on Weight)  Bill,  2006.  In this  regard, it  is  decided  to implement  the  'School  Bag Policy-2020'  in all schools  in Andhra Pradesh State. As a  part of the above  policy, the following guidelines are issued for implementation.

 a. The school should  design the timetable by taking the  'School Bag Policy - 2020'  into consideration  and ensure that they carry  a minimum amount of weight to school.

b. Experiential learning,  which  is also recommended by the NEP-2020, can help students grasp concepts  much faster than  long hours of study.  Project work  plays a vital  role in learning;  students collect the materials in and around  their surroundings so they do not need

to carry books with them. The teacher should  be encouraged to use these kinds of teaching methods.

c. No homework should be given  for classes 1&2.

 d. For classes 3 to 5 the workbooks are curriculum-based,  students can write their homework directly on the  pages of the workbooks  and return  it to teachers  at school.

e.  Homework should  be given  in such a way that it should  not become a  burden for students to carry too  many books for Classes 6 to 10.

f.   Homework should  be given on a daily  basis by allotting  particular days for each subject,  which can reduce the  number  of books to  be carried.

g.  One notebook for mathematics and one notebook for other subjects 
are suggested  in Primary Schools.

 h. Allow the students to use long  notebooks on both sides for two different subjects  in  High Schools.

i.   The teachers should specify the subjects to teach  in the class and  see that they carry only the books that are  required for that day.  So that it will become a  habit for the students to carry accordingly.

j.   Semester-wise textbooks are only to be carried  by the students in their bags.  Once the assessment for Semester-I  is completed,  ensure that they carry only Semester-II  books.  However,  SA-II will be in  2 semesters.

k. Wherever possible, the  Head teacher/ teachers should find a secure place to keep the  books in boxes /shelves  in the class room/ school itself.

I.   Teachers  and students can utilise  ICT integrated  digital  content rather than  physical  materials,

m.Wherever  possible workbooks,  assignments,  dictionaries,  reference  books, practice  materials  etc.,  are to be kept in the school  itself.

n. The teacher should not entertain / force the children  to carry anything other than  prescribed  books to school.

o.  From time to time,  the Head Teacher  and the respective teachers must ensure the school bag weight should not be more than the weight mentioned  in the 'School  Bag Policy-2020'.

 All  the  inspecting  officers  are instructed  to ensure proper implementation  of the "School  Bag  Policy-2020'  during  their visits to the schools.

 The 'School  Bag Policy-2020'  manual  and an annex with  a suggested list  of  the  maximum weight  of  the  school  bag  are  enclosed  herewith  for your  reference.



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