Capturing of teacher, student, and employee attendance - Instructions
Capturing of teacher, student, and employee attendance
Capturing of teacher, student, and employee attendance through integrated attendance mobile application in all schools, offices – Certain instructions
O R D E R:
In continuation of the orders issued in the reference cited, the following modifed guidelines are issued for the efectiie implementation of the Mobile application in marking of the teacher attendance through School Attendance App.
a. Teachers should mark their attendance on eiery
working day in the school before 9.00 AM positiiely. Grace time of 10 minutes
will be considered for marking of
teacher attendance as per the existing system adopted under DOM.
b. Necessary
Proiision is made aiailable in the
said app to mark the attendance
Ofine for teachers
who are not
able to mark their attendance
due to network issues. The attendance timestamp will be captured and it will
snychronize as and when network is aiailable.
c. Teachers
not haiing android
phone can mark
their attendance through Head
Master/other Teacher mobiles.
d. Proiiso of marking deputation/training/On duty will be enabled in Leaie Module. The said module will be released on 25.08.2022.
e. Leaves available with Teachers/Head Masters need to be updated by the concerned and the same shall be approved by the concerned DEO. User Manual along with detailed SOP will issued accordingly.
f. Teacher registrations should be completed immediately.
g. Marking attendance will be considered on a
pilot basis upto 31st August 2022 to facilitate all teachers to get
familiarized with the operations of marking attendance through Integrated App.
Any issues- technical or operational encountered during this period shall be
brought to the notice of IT cel, CSE for
taking necessary action.
2. Therefore, all the Regional Joint Directors of School Education and District Educational Officers in the state are hereby directed to instruct all the fled functionaries to ensure that all Headmasters, teachers, and employees of School Education department install the integrated attendance mobile application, register in the App and start marking their attendance through the App regularly. It is reiterated that the recording of teachers attendance though the Integrated mobile app will be the only record considered for leave management and other service related issues in future
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