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MBNN-Phase-11- Centrally Procured Materials (CPM) - certain Implementation procedures

 NADU-NEDU- Centrally Procured Materials - Implementation Procedures

School Education-  Department  -MBNN-Phase-11-  Centrally  Procured  Materials (CPM) - certain  Implementation  procedures-  Communicated

Mana    Badi    Nadu    Nedu    program    is    being    implemented   to    improve infrastructure facilities in  Government  Schools  /Educational  lnstitutionsin  AP state.  It is  a  prestigious  flagship   program  of Government   of  Andhra   Pradesh.   In  order  to maintain  uniform  standards  and  best  quality  materials/ services,  certain  items  are being procured  centrally through APEWIDC.

In  the STMS the facility of uploading the requirements/ indents  of the material required  is  enabled.    The  following   materials  are  going  to  be  supplied  centrally. "Water  supply   Sanitary  items,   Roof  Slab  Water   Proofing   &  Ceiling   Treatment, Powder  Coated  GI  Doors,  Ceramic  Tiles  for  Toilets,  Electrical  Fixtures  &  Fittings, Ceiling   Fans,   Dual   Desks,   Green   Chalk   Boards,  GI  Windows,   Painting  to  the Buildings,  Drinking Water  System and English Lab (Smart TVs for primary Schools).


Certain   implementation  procedures   are  to  be  followed   in   indenting  these items.  The  items are  being  procured  for  certain  functional  utility,  specific  use  and specific  location  for which  these  items are  to  be indented. These  issues are  to  be kept   in    mind   while    raising    the    indents   in    STMS    for    Centrally   Procured Items/Products.


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