teacherbook -
Friday, 3 June 2022
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నాడు - నేడు ఫేజ్ II ఇసుక నిల్వ / ఇసుక డిపోలుగా వర్షాకాలం మరియు రవాణా సమస్యల దృష్ట్యా ఉపయోగించడానికి ఉన్నత పాఠశాలలను గుర్తించుటకు సూచనలతో ఉత్తర్వులు
Nadu-Nedu Phase Phase
2 Sand depots Nadu - Nedu Phase-II Storage of Sand in view of ensuing rainy
season and logistic issues - Identification of High Schools to use as Sand
Nadu-Nedu Phase-II
Storage of Sand in view of ensuing rainy season and logistic issues -
Identification of High Schools to use as Sand depots - Requesting - Regards.
Government vide GO
read in the reference cited have accorded administrative sanction for
implementation of Mana Badi Nadu Nedu Phase-II program for improving
infrastructural facilities in 13,981 Schools (High School and Primary Schools)
with a total Budget outlay of Rs.4535.73 Crores.
In this regard nearly
35 Lakh tonnes of Sand is required for completion of Phase 2 program.
Further, it is
informed that as sand extraction will become difficult during rainy season and
to protect the sand from theft and pilferage it is proposed to have at least 3
to 4 sand storage points in a Mandal. While selecting the storage points from
the indicative list (enclosed), please ensure that sufficient space is
available from storage and movement of heavy trucks. The proposed location of
High Schools in the Districts is enclosed.
Keeping in view of the
above circumstances, all the District Educational Officers and Additional
Project Co-coordinators in the State are instructed to identify 3 to 4 High
Schools in a Mandal, to store at least 1000 Metric Tons of sand with proper
road access for 30 Metric-Tonnes trucks to reach the location.
These High Schools
will be used as Sand depots till completion of Nadu Nedu activity. The area
Cluster Resource Persons (CRPs) will be kept as in-charge of the storage point
and will be responsible for issue and receipt of sand.
The Cluster Resource
Persons (CRPs) shall maintain stock register duly registering the receiver and
issues of sand in his jurisdiction.
Hence all the the
District Educational Officers and Additional Project Co Ordinator's are
requested to submit the required information in the format enclosed.
APModel Schools admissions
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