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Online Application For D.El.Ed., 1ST YEAR EXAMS (2018-20) - DUE DATES - FEE STRUCTURE


D.El.Ed     First Year Examinations - 2022 (2018 -2020 Batch)


 lt   is   notified   that   the   Management  quota   and   spot   quota   of  D.EI.Ed.,    I ST    year Examinations  for  2018-20  batch  will  be  conducted   in  the  month   of Feb-2022.   The  failed candidates  of previous  batches  of  D.El.Ed ..  are also  eligible  to appear  for the examinations  as private  candidates.  The  following   are  the  due  dates  for  remittance   of Examination Fee  and submission  of nominal rolls.

 The Web link to upload applications on line will be available  from  05- 01-2022.

 The Examination  fee   is  Rs.150/-for   regular  candidates.  The fee has  to  be  remitted separately  for  regular  &  once  failed  candidates   through  the  payment   gateway   which  will  be appeared  in the process  of filling of web application form by the College  Principals

 Procedure for remittance  of examination  fee:

 Visit   www    »     Click    on    'Online    application   for    D.EL.Ed examinations, Feb-2022(for 2018-20 Batch Management and Spot Quota)   » Login -» Click on  Payments  online    Select the  check  boxes     Candidate wise  for Regular  & Subject wise   for Private  -» Click on proceed to payment -»  Fill  the payee  details  and click on submit  & check  payment -»  Select any one payment option.

The fee structure for regular and once failed candidates is as follows:

Online Application

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