AP Model schools Teachers Transfers schedule - Online Application
AP Model schools Teachers Transfers schedule Released Apply Online from 09/01/2022 to 11/01/2022
School Education-
A.P Model School
- General Transfers
to the teaching staff
of Model Schools
- Certain Guidelines
as per Government
orders-Schedule -Communicated- Regarding
The attention
of all the Regional Joint
Directors of School
Education and the District
Educational Officers in
the state is
invited to the references 1st
and 2nd read above, wherein the
orders have been issued to effect the General transfers
of PGTs/TGTs with zone as unit and for Principals with
state as unit of
Model Schools through counseling on par with
other teachers of Government managements.
The following important guidelines are issued regarding the general transfer of teaching staff in A.P Model Schools:
The PGTs/TGTs & Principals who have completed S(Five) years of service at a station irrespective of cadre as on date 1S November,
2021 shall be invariably liable for transfer.
2. The employees
who have completed 2(Two) years
of service at a station irrespective of cadre as on 15 November,2021
shall be eligible to apply for transfer on their request.
3. Those who are going to retire within 02 (two)
years from 15' November,2021 shall not be transferred until and unless the
incumbent requests for such transfers.
4. The PGT(Telugu)
who were relocated will be given
the service and
entitlement points from their previous
Visually challenged teachers are exempted from transfers, However, if such teachers desire to apply for
transfer, they may apply for transfer
counseling and will be given priority.
7. All the teachers who are effected transfers shall be relieved on the last working day of the Academic year.
8. The guidelines
should be followed
scrupulously without any
deviation, if there are any lapses occurred, the concerned
are held responsible for the entire process.
Accordingly, the Government decided to issue the guidelines for general transfers-2021 to the teaching staff of A.P Model School subject to conditions that the individuals are not eligible for drawl of T.T.A. The Time Schedule for completion of the transfers exercise is enclosed herewith. The transfer schedule should be followed scrupulously without any deviation.
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