Guidelines for Conduct of SMC & SMDC (Parent Committee) Trainings
Guidelines for Conduct of SMC & SMDC (Parent Committee) Trainings
All the District Educational Officers and Additional Project Coordinators of Samagra Shiksha in the State are informed that Parent Committee elections are completed and trainings have to condu to newly elected parent committees. The following are the guidelines for conducting parent committee trainings.
1. The SMC and SMDC (Parent Committee) Trainings shall be conducted at School Complex level. The Trainings shall be conducted for one day either in online/offline/blended mode.
2. The APCs are informed to finalize the date for conducting parent committee trainings and the same is to be informed to state office and also to all the parent committee member well in advance so as to enable them to participate in the training programme. The parent committee trainings shall be completed all over the state by 10.02.2022
3. The HM of the school complex should act as Course Coordinator. 4. The APCs are informed to communicate the Training date, Training mode and Schedule to all Elected SMC/SMDC members through the concerned school Head Master in their respective Districts well in advance for ensuring 100% attendance of the members. 5. The attendance of the SMC/SMDC members who have attended the training should be collected and the same is to be informed to the State Office.
6. A detail report on conduct of training programme (School Complex Wise) should be submitted to the SPO.
7. All the APCs shall form Mandal wise teams with Sectoral Officers/DEO statt/ DyEUs/DIET Statt and Senior MEUS in the District to monitor the training Programme. The detailed schedule regarding the allotment of Mandals in the concern division to each Sectoral Officer/Senior MEOs for monitoring the training programme should be prepared and submitted to the SPO well in advance by APCs of Samagra Shiksha in the State. 8. The Services of CRPs shall be utilized for successful conducting the parent committee trainings.
9. Due to COVID pandemic, the DEOs and APCs are instructed follow the preventive measures as per SOP issued by the Government from time to time.
10.Orientation should focus on RTE, role of Parents Committee, Out of school children coverage. Inclusive education awareness, academic standards, strategy for NIPUN BHARAT, 100 days reading campaign.
COVID appropriate behaviour, Vocational education etc.
11.At the end of the orientation, all members should be aware of flagship activities in education and understand the importance of foundational literacy and numeracy and age appropriate learning outcomes which are shared under NIPUN BHARAT.
Therefore, all the District Educational Officers and Additional Project Coordinators of Samagra Shiksha in the State are requested to follow the above guidelines for smooth conduct of the parent committee trainings and submit compliance report after completion of the training programme.
స్కూళ్ళలో పిల్లలకు అసెంబ్లీ వద్దు, ఆటలు వద్దు, గుంపుగా కూర్చోనీయవద్దు, శానిటైజ్ చేయాలి సూచనలు
Good decission taken bythe gov.It make awaness among them leads to quality of education and responsibilities of SMDC