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వార్షిక ఇంక్రిమెంట్ మరియు సరెండర్ లీవ్ మోడల్ దరఖాస్తు

 Application of Surrender of Earned Leave - APPLICATION FOR Annual INCREAMENT

Government retainers are Permitted to surrender EL when they're moreover on duty or actually on EL … 
 EL may be allowed to be surrendered by Government retainers while they're other kind of leave also … 
 Operation for rendition of EL can be made on or before the due date ofsurrender.Application … 
 The Government hand can mileage the encashment of Surrender Leave after one time from the 

 Annual Grade proliferation is the quantum equal to difference of two successive stages in a particular pay scale. It's granted to every hand who have completed successfully 12 months service in each time. 

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