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Revised administrative sanctions for beyond 15% required for completion of Nadu Nedu Phase-I – orders

 MBNN-      Revised administrative  sanctions  for beyond  15%   required for completion   of Nadu Nedu Phase-I orders 



Under Mana Badi  Nadu Nedu Phase-I a total 15715 schools were taken up to improve the infrastructure facilities  in Government schools with a Budget allotment  of an  amount  of Rs.3669  crores. The works taken  up  are  nearing completion.


 2.  Instructions were issued in the video conferences and also vide references 1st and  2ndcited  to  the  Parents  committees  and  Mandal  Engineers   to  prepare working estimates  and  prepare expenditure statements  and  to  complete the components (works) and  close the ongoing   school projects. While  preparing working Estimates, the Parents Committees and Mandal Engineers have revised the estimates  by taking into account the actual work  done and the  items of work  to be completed and are now seeking revised administrative sanctions.


3.       In reference 1st  cited, the District collectors were authorized to  sanction upto10 %  beyond  ceiling  limit.  All Proposals upto 10%  of ceiling  limit  were approved  by the District Collector and upto 15%  were placed  before Director of School Education and were approved.


4.      Proposals beyond 15%  for an amount  of Rs.68,83,89,648/- (Rupees Sixty eight crores eighty three lakhs eighty nine thousand and six hundred and forty eight only) were received from the concerned executing agencies through STMS.



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