Municipal merging teachers should attend to transfer Counselling
మున్సిపల్ ప్రాంతాలలో విధులు నిర్వహిస్తూ ఆ పాఠశాలలో 8 సంవత్సరాల సర్వీస్ పూర్తయినప్పటికీ, కోర్టు కేసుల కారణంగా గత బదిలీల కౌన్సెలింగ్ లో బదిలీ కాకుండా కొందరు ఉపాధ్యాయులు దాఖలు చేసిన కేసు హైకోర్టు కొట్టి వేసినందున, గత కౌన్సిలింగ్లో మిగిలి ఉన్నటువంటి సింగిల్ స్కూల్స్/టీచర్లు లేని స్కూల్స్ కేటగిరీ 3, 4 ఖాళీలలో ఈ నెల 16వ తేదీ నుండి ఈ నెల 30వ తేదీ లోపు కౌన్సిలింగ్ ద్వారా బదిలీ చేయవలసిందిగా పాఠశాల విద్యా సంచాలకులు ఆదేశాలు Rc No.13029, Dt: 15.6.2021 జారీ చేశారు.
1. The attention of all Regional Joint Directors of School Education and all the District Educational Officers in the State are invited to the reference 4th cited wherein the Hon'ble High Court of A.P. has issued dismissal orders in W.A.No's 80,81,82,83,84, 93, 95, 104, 105, 108, 129, 130, 135,139,142 and 143 of 2021 as follows:
"30. In view of the above discussion, we find no good ground to interfere with the order of the learned single judge.
31. Before parting, we would like to observe that notwithstanding the dismissal of the writ appeals, the respondents would scrupulously follow the submissions and concessions of the learned Advocate General, based on instructions received, which are recorded in Paragraph 20 of the present judgment.
32. The Writ Appeals are, accordingly, dismissed, subject to observations as made in Paragraph 31 above.
33. No order as to costs. Pending miscellaneous applications, if any, shall stand closed."
2 In this connection, all the Regional Joint Directors of School Education and all the District Educational Officers in the State are instructed to follow the following instructions:
i. The teachers (who have completed 8 years in same school and come under compulsory transfer but continued with Hon'ble court orders) will be given option to choose from the left over vacancies in the transfer counselling (teacher less schools/single teacher needy schools in category-IV & III) by conducting counselling and place them in opted places between 16-06-2021 and 30-06-2021 (as per the norms of G.O.Ms.No.54 dated 12-10-2020) by way of counselling.
ii. Inform the concerned teachers that they shall be given one more opportunity to exercise their options once again in the ensuing transfer counseling, even though they do not complete two years of service as per the directions of Hon'ble High court.
iii. Fill up the vacancies arose due to shifting of said teachers from the schools located in Municipal limits through work adjustment until further orders.
3. Further, all the Regional Joint Directors of School Education and all the District Educational Officers in the State are requested to file counter affidavit basing on the above judgment in the Hon'ble High Court of A.P., If any cases pending with regard to the teachers working in MPP/ZPP Schools in the limits of Municipal Corporation/Municipalities to continue them in the same schools immediately
4. All the Regional Joint Directors of School Education and all the District Educational Officers in the State are informed that if the orders are not complied action will be initiated as per A.P.C.S (CC&A) Rules, 1991 as per the rules in vogue
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