Mana Badi Nadu Nedu – reconciliation of cement invoices and indents – instructions
Mana Badi Nadu Nedu – reconciliation of cement invoices and indents – certain instructions issued- regarding
Cement for Nadu Nedu was supplied by Cement companies in the State. In the initial periods before the cement companies started supply, some cement was purchased from the local market. During the completion stage, small quantities were procured locally again as the minimum quantity the cement companies supply is not less than 450 bags.
2. There are a lot of issues coming up in reconciliation of the supplies and invoices and payments and the cement companies have been pursuing the department to settle these issues. At the same time the schools are not able to close the works though they are closed physically and fnancially because certain invoices are shown pending in STMS.
3. Hence the following case wise instructions are issued to settle the issues related to cement indents, invoices and payments.
Case 1: Certain dispatches of cement were made for more than one school but only one invoice was raised on one school.
Solution: The Headmaster upload the invoice to the extent of total quantity dispatched to his school. And the other HMs can upload the same invoice to the extent of the quantity received by him. Here we should note that one invoice can be used by number of schools upto the total quantity of the invoice quantity.
Case2: There are some cases where (for example) invoice is raised for 100 bags but cement was released and dispatched to the extent of 80 bags only. Further balance cement will not be supplied by the company.
Solution: The invoice shall be uploaded for 80 bags only and closed. Please note that the cost of the each cement bag is Rs 235 including GST and all taxes and transportation.
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