Admission of In-service B.P.Ed Course for Physical Education teachers in the State during the Academic year 2020-21 –2021-22 – Orders
Training – Admission of In-service B.P.Ed Course for Physical Education teachers in the State during the Academic year 2020-21 –2021-22 – Orders – Issued.
In accordance with the provisions contained in the reference 1 st and 2 nd read above, the In-service Physical Education Teachers shown in the respective college wise annexure appended to these proceedings are permitted for admission
into B.P.Ed.
Course in the
Colleges of Physical Education in the State as noted
against their names for the academic year 2020 -2022 to undergo training at their own cost, duly applying for leave to which they are eligible, subject to fulfllment of relevant rules prescribed by
the Universities concerned for this purpose. The candidates should not seek for relief during the middle of the course. They should be relieved only after completion of the course. Where ever there are special provisions for SC/STs, they should be extended to the eligible in-service teachers as per rules. However, for this purpose they
have to fulfl the relevant conditions, which are to be scrutinized and decided by the
respective District Educational Ofcers on the merits of each case.
All the In-service Physical Education Teachers shown in respective college wise annexure are directed to report to the Principals of the concerned Colleges of Physical education on or before 31.05.2021 along with their original certifcates relating to Educational Qualifcations etc., for verifcation and for admitting them into B.P.Ed., training course immediately.
The In-service Physical Education Teachers are informed that the allotment of seats as per their respective college wise annexure fnal and no requests / representations for transfer of allotment from one college to other college shall be entertained. In case, the Physical Education Teachers shown in the college wise annexure fail to avail this allotment, they will not be considered in future.
The District Educational Ofcers are requested to issue necessary instructions to the Head Masters to relive the individuals so as to enable to join them in the concerned College of Physical Education and report compliance.
The Principals of the concerned Colleges of Physical Education are requested to verify the original certifcates of the individuals and admit them, only after fulflling the conditions, with reference to relevant admission rules, qualifcations etc. They are also requested to intimate the date of joining of the candidate to the Director without fail.
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