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ట్రాన్సఫర్స్ లో ప్రమోషన్ మరియు Upgraded languages యెక్క vacancy గురించి తాజా ఉత్తర్వులు.

Transfers Rationalisation latest Clarifications


 The attention of the District Educational Officer, Srikakulam is invited to the references cited and she is informed that the following clarification is issued:

1) To affect promotions to all the vacancies notified for promotions (both upgraded and arised vacancies) as on today basing on the provisions laid down in G.O.Ms.No.56 dt. 16.10.2020 & G.O.Ms.No.77 dated 30.10.2019 i.e. common seniority list for LP & SGT

To prepare separate seniority lists i.e. a) combined seniority list for the upgraded vacancies basing on G.O.Ms.No.56 dt. 16.10.2020 & G.O.Ms.No.77 dated 30.10.2019 by allowing both Language Pandits & SGTs or promotion to the post of School Assistant (Language) and b) To prepare another seniority lists basing on G.O.Ms.No.14 & 15 dated 5.2.2017 by allowing LPs for the vacancies arised and notified for monthly vacancies earlier.

Clarification: Effect promotions to all vacancies meant for promotions with common seniority duly following G.O.Ms.No.56 dt. 16.10.2020 and Govt.Memo.No.434204/Se rvices.II/A1/2016, dated 08.06.2018 


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