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National Education Policy, 2020 To call suggestions from school teachers and Principals from all over the country


School Education To call suggestions from school teachers and Principals from all over the country on how to take the implementation process of the National Education Policy, 2020  Instructions – Issued.



 The attention of all the Regional Joint Directors of School Education and District Education Officers in the State is invited to the ref read above, wherein the Secretary to GoI, DSE&L, MHRD, GoI, New Delhi has stated that the Department of School Education and Literacy has decided to call for suggestions from school teachers and Principals from all over the country on how to take the implementation process of the National Education Policy, 2020 forward.


In this context, Teachers and Principals can go to the link and register their details first. After that, they may browse through the chapter wise questions, and give suggestions on as many areas as they deem fit.  The Dept. of School Education & Literacy , New Delhi  hope that teachers will give suggestions based on their own experiences and learning’s. This will add value and richness to this whole exercise and requested to disseminate this widely amongst all teachers in the state - whether belonging to government schools,  private  schools,   or   affiliated   to   different  secondary   school   boards. States/UTs may hold video conferences on priority, send to teachers WhatsApp groups being maintained at various levels, or use the route of SCERTs/DIETs/DEOs/BRCs/CRCs, etc. for ensuring wide dissemination of this process. The dates for uploading suggestions by teachers are 24th August to 31st August.



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