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School Sanitation – Donation of Ammavodi Amount of Rs.1,000/- towards school sanitation

School Sanitation – Donation of Ammavodi Amount of Rs.1,000/- towards school sanitation

The attention of the District Educational Officers/Asst., Directors MDM in the State is invited to the references read above and they are informed that, instructions were already issued for opening of new account in each and every school exclusively for depositing the RS.1000/- donations received from Mothers voluntarily who were benefited the Rs.15000/- under ''JAGANANNA AMMAVODI'' scheme for ensuring proper sanitation, timely utilization of donations and watch and ward in the schools. Further, as per the information collected from the DEOs, an amount of Rs.27 Crores (approx) has been collected towards sanitation purpose by way of donations (Ammavodi amount). 

Therefore, all the District Educational Officers are requested to furnish the information in the prescribed proforma shown below.

In view of the above, all the District Educational Officers are requested to furnish the information in the above proforma immediately without fail with in 5 days from the date of receipt of these orders.

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