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Academic Year 2019-20 – Upload of Formative & Summative Assessment marks for all classes of all the students

School Education – Academic Year 2019-20 – Upload of Formative & Summative Assessment marks for all classes of all the students studying in all Government Management Schools in the CSE portal - Orders –Issued.

It has come to the notice of the Commissioner, School Education that even though the Headmasters and staff have to upload the data pertaining to FA and SA of 2019-20 the same has not been uploaded in time. Hence, all the Regional Directors of School Education and District Educational Officers in the State are requested to issue necessary instructions to all Field Officers / Headmasters, Primary / Upper Primary / High Schools under all managements schools in the State to upload all the Formative & Summative Assessment marks for all classes of all the students studying in all management schools for the year 2019-20 in the CSE Portal on or before 26-6-2020 by 5.00 p.m. 

 Further if any headmaster or teacher found to have not uploaded the data by 26th, severe disciplinary action shall be initiated against them as well as against the concerned inspecting officers also. 

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