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Coron Virus - Not to conduct annual days -Instructions

Coron Virus - Not to conduct annual days -Instructions

    The attention of all the Regional Joint Directors of School Education and District Educational Officers in the State are invited to the ref read above, and they are informed that certain managements are conducting dance rehearsals, group activities for conducting annual day functions. As such, it is highly objectionable for the Prevention of spreading of Novel Corona Virus i,e,, COVID-19

2. Therefore, all the Regional Joint Directors of School Education and District Educational Officers in the State are requested to issue necessary instructions to all the field level Officers i.e., DyEO's, MEO's and Head Masters of all Managements including private unaided schools in the State to follow the following guidelines for prevention of Spreading Novel Corona Virus i.e., COVID-19:

a. Conducting School Annual Days for the year 2019-20 should be cancelled in all managements including private unaided Schools.

b. Since the annual days are not to be conducted, the question of conducting dance/drama/events rehearsals to the Students does not arise.

c. Similarly group activities such as competitions, parent meetings, gatherings shall also not be conducted.

d. Parents to be oriented to take all precautionary measures to prevent spreading of Novel Corona Virus.

e. The parents may also be informed not to send their children to mass gathering/crowdy places viz., exhibitions, congregations etc.,

f. The parents may also be informed not to travel along with their children by bus/train until unless mandatory.

3. These instructions should be followed scrupulously.

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