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G.O.RT.No.1747,Dated:01-08-2019 Constitution of Group of Ministers to examine the S.P.Tucker report to abolish CPS

G.O.RT.No.1747,Dated:01-08-2019 Constitution of Group of Ministers to examine the S.P.Tucker report to abolish CPS

Group of Ministers - Constitution of Group of  Ministers to examine the report, dated.28.02.2019 of Expert Committee headed by Sri. S.P.Tucker, IAS (Retd), former Chief Secretary to Government for review of Contributory Pension Scheme - Orders - Issued.

In the circumstances explained by the Finance (HR.V) Department in the reference read above, Government hereby constitute a Group of Ministers under Rule 12(4) of the A.P. Government Business Rules, 2018, with the following Ministers:-

2. The Group of Ministers shall review the report dated 28.02.2019 of Expert Committee headed by Sri. S.P.Tucker, IAS (Retd), former Chief Secretary to Government on Contributory Pension Scheme and furnish it’s recommendations to Government for taking a decision in the matter.
3. The Principal Finance Secretary to Government, Finance Department shall be the Member-Convener of the above Group of Ministers

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