G.O.Ms.No.41,Dt.28.06.2019-CCE- Implementation of Examination Reforms – Amendment - Orders -Issued
G.O.Ms.No.41,Dt.28.06.2019-CCE- Implementation of Examination Reforms – Amendment - Orders -Issued
School Education Department – Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation pattern of examination system – Implementation of Examination Reforms – Amendment - Orders -Issued
O R D E R:
the G.O. 3rd read above, Government have issued orders for
implementation of examination reforms i.e. Continuous and Comprehensive
Evaluation pattern of examination system for classes VI to IX from the academic
year 2015-16 and for Class X from the academic year 2016-17 in fullest extent
in all schools in the State i.e. Government, local bodies, aided and private
recognized schools.
2. In
the G.O. 4th read above, certain amendments have been made to G.O. 3rd
read above viz.. for replacement of certain existing papers and minimum pass
marks for the external exams and internal exams, assigning grading for
Curricular Subjects, assigning grading for Co-curricular areas/subjects, for
incorporation of OSSC Main Language subjects, discontinuation of certain papers
from SSC Public examination from March 2017 onwards and also prescribing
minimum pass marks for deaf, dumb and blind students as per G.O. Ms.No.33,
Education (Exams) Department, dated 19.03.2001.
3. In
the G.O. 5th read above, orders have been issued to conduct 2
Summative Assessments in a year (SA 1 in the 1st week/2nd
week of November and SA 2 in the month of March/April) and SA 2 of class X will be the Pre-Final and
will be conducted in the month of March. For class X, the Public Examination
will be conducted by Board of Secondary Education. From 2017-18 onwards, SA 1
of classes VIII and IX shall be conducted as an objective type assessment with
OMR enabled Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) covering respective academic
standards. This shall be extended to Classes VI and VII also from academic year
2018-19 and also calculation of 100 marks i.e. 80% from Summative Assessment
which is final exam and 20% marks from 4 Formative Assessments and Summative
Assessment-1 (4 Formative Assessments (50x4=200), Summative
Assessment-1(80x1=80) = 280). In the G.O. 9th read above, certain
amendments have been made to G.O. 5th read above viz.. for class X,
the calculation of 20% internal marks would be from 4 Formative Assessments (50x4=200)
i.e. for 10% marks and Summative Assessment-1
(80 x 1 = 80 marks ) for 10% marks.
4. In the G.O. 7th read above,
Government have constituted a 3 member Committee to make a detailed study and
analyze on trend of SSC Results-2018 particularly huge number of 10/10 GPAs and
pass percentage and submits its report.
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