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G.O.RT.No.503 Dt: 03-10-2018-Dr. NTR Vaidya Seva Health Scheme– Norms for billing and guidelines for utilization of amounts

Dr. NTR Vaidya Seva Health Scheme– Norms for billing and guidelines for utilization of amounts received by the Government Hospitals under Dr. NTR Vaidya Seva Health Scheme – Amendment – Orders
G.O.RT.No. 503 Dated: 03-10-2018 
Read the following:
  1. G.O. Rt. No. 123, HM&FW (I.1) Department, dated 04.04.2018.
  2. From the CEO,Dr.NTRVST, Lr.No.Dr.NTRVST/Accounts/G-2/201718, dated 12.05.2018 & 25.05.2018.


O R D E R:
In the circumstances reported by the Chief Executive Officer, Dr.NTRVS Trust, A.P., Guntur, in the letter 2nd read above, Government after careful examination, hereby issue the following amendments to the G.O.Rt.No.123, HM&FW (I.1) Department, dated 04.04.2018:


In para-3 under the head PATIENT CARE AMOUNT (45%) under FMS (Facility Management Services) S.No.1. FMO shall be replaced by MNO (Male Nursing Orderly)
In para-3 under the head PATIENT CARE AMOUNT (45%) of point (a) the following shall be replaced:
(a) Rs. 100/- which is used as diet charges and the reimbursement of transportation charges should be made Aadhar linked and effect direct benefit transfer to the BPL beneficiaries’ accounts, at the time of their discharge. However, the Hospital shall continue to provide diet to the NTRVS beneficiaries from the regular budget.


(iIf the beneficiary is dependent family member of the BPL Cardholder, the said amount may be transferred to the Bank Account of such BPL Cardholder, being the head of the family;
(iiIf the beneficiary himself/herself is the head of the family and does not maintain any Bank Account, the existing practice of payment in cash for both, i.e. Diet charges of Rs. 100/- per day (subject to a maximum of 10 days) and applicable transportation charges may be followed; and
(iiiUnder no circumstances, the beneficiary shall be deprived of the benefit of diet charges and the transportation amount.”
In para-3 under the head PATIENT CARE AMOUNT (45%) of point (e) the following shall be replaced:
(eThe Superintendent of the Hospital and other administrative staff of the hospital involved in the implementation of the Scheme be paid an incentive of their indirect involvement in patient care. Thus, 0.5%, subject to a maximum of Rs. 1,50,000/- per quarter in a calendar year to Superintendent; and 1% to the administrative staff shall be paid from the remaining amount of 45% after meeting the expenditure on the above heads.
In para-3 under the head INCENTIVE AMOUNT (35%) of point (b) the following shall be replaced:
(b) The 70% share of the Professional Team managing the patienshall be apportioned as follows:
In Surgical cases:
75% to surgical team of doctor25% to Anaesthetist team of doctors
In Medical cases:
Entire amount to the team – (In case where Anaesthetist services are utilized up to 25% to be provided to Anaesthetist)
In para-3 under the head INCENTIVE AMOUNT (35%) of point (c) the following shall be replaced:
After excluding the % of distribution to Residents (Sr./Jr.)/PG (09%); RAMCO (01%) and Intern (02%), the remaining 88% has to be distributed on the following ratio:
05% extra incentive to Professors/CS03% extra incentive to Associate Professors/Dy. CS.
The remaining shall be distributed equally amongst the existing faculty members i.e., Professors/CSS, Associate Professors/Dy. CS and Assistant Professors/CAS.
In case, the Professor/Associate Professor posts are vacant and or Intern are not available in the concerned Department, the amount shall be equally distributed amongst the existing faculty.
2. The Chief Executive Officer, Dr.NTR Vaidya Sevea Trust, A.P., Guntur/ Director of Medical Education, A.P., Vijayawada/Commissioner, Andhra Pradesh Vidhana Parishad, Vijayawada shall take necessary action accordingly. 

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