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Udise Plus Certificate download link

 U Dise Plus Certificate

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Student Database Management System (SDMS)

Student Database Management System is developed to manage the records of the students such as student Profile, Enrolment, Dropouts, Transfers, Progression / Holdback etc. This helps in generating reports at Central, State, district, block, and school level.

This system is used for data storage, up dation, manipulation, analysis and sharing. This system is user friendly in terms of viewing and managing student information. Also, custom search features help in tracking of student records.

This system covers student information of school education including Various Boards, School Management, Autonomous Bodies, Vocational and open school students etc. The Student Database Management System is deployed in federated manner for various States, Autonomous bodies, School Management as a separate instance as their need. This management system comprises information of the student from States / Autonomous Bodies (Federated Entities) and converges it for various schools consistently at national level. It also provides the required information to Unified District Information for Education plus (UDISE+).

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