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Jagananna Gorumudda (Mid day Meal) - Submission of indent, receipt and bills of Egg and Chikki ONLINE

Jagananna  Gorumudda   (Mid day  Meal)  -  Submission  of  indent,  receipt  and  bills  of  Egg  and  Chikki ONLINE 

School  Education   Dept.-   PM  POSHAN -  Jagananna  Gorumudda   (Mid day  Meal)  -  Submission  of  indent,  receipt  and  bills  of  Egg  and  Chikki ONLINE  in  IMMS APP  by Head  Masters of all  Govt Schools and Suppliers- Certain   Instructions  -  Issued  -  Regarding

 The attention  of  all the  District  Education  Officers  in the  State  is  invited  to the  references  read  above  and  are  hereby  informed  that  the  Honourable  Chief Minister  is  giving  top  most  priority  to  the  Jagananna  Gorumudda(Mid  day  Meal) Scheme  during  the  review  meetings  held  at  HCM Camp  Office,  Vijayawada  and has issued instructions  with  regard  to the  placing  of  EGG  and Chikki  indents,  payment of  Cooking  agencies,  vendor  bills  in  time  etc  for  smooth  implementation  of  PM POSHAN  -  Jagananna Gorumudda(Mid  day Meal)  Scheme  in the  State.

 As  you are well aware  that  the  necessary login  credentials  are  provided  to all Head Masters of Govt schools in the State covered under Jagananna Gorumudda(MDM)  Scheme  in  IMMS  APP  for  updation  of  Indent  (phase wise)  of  EGG &t    CHIKKI'S   to   be  provided   to  the   School   Students   every   month   without   any interruption. Also, necessary login credentials are provided to the suppliers at  website  for  updation  of  indent  supplied by them  with  regard  to  EGG  & CHIKKl'S  to Schools  as  per  indent  updated  by HMs which  will be reflected  in their respective  logins.

 Further  informed  that  it  is  came to  the  notice  of  the  Director,  Mid Day Meal

&t   School Sanitation,  AP,  Vijayawada that some of the  Head  Masters are receiving EGGs  and Chikkis  beyond the  indent  placed  by them  which  is a  serious  concern  as it  may create  financial  burden to the  exchequer.

 In view  of the above,  the following instructions are hereby  issued for  strict adherence of same

 Instructions to  Head Masters:-

 All  Head  masters  are hereby  requested


 2.   To place  the  indent  of  EGGs  and CHIKKls in the  respective  columns  provided in the  IMMS  APP  phase wise between  10-15   of  every month  for providing the  same  to  their  Students  in  subsequent  month.   The  indent  schedule updation  and consumption  details  are as follows



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